
A simple web interface to libvirt

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

## Intro

This is a web interface to libvirt. It is currently in the alpha stage of
development, and thus far from feature complete or stable.

Currently, it is capable of:
 * Viewing basic info about a node, it's networks and storage pools.
 * Viewing a bit more info about domains and their state.
 * Connecting a Java-based VNC viewer to a console.

The goal is to provide a simple web interface to libvirt. Quite like
virt-manager now provides, but for the web. Not like oVirt, which is something
you can't simply drop on top of your existing libvirt installation.

The project is distributed with the GNU GPL version 2 license. A copy is
included as the LICENSE file.

## Dependencies

There's a bunch of dependencies. Most of these will be installable by your
distribution's package manager. If problems occur, check the versions of
the packages you are running.

Here's a brief list of dependencies, and their version numbers, that were used
during development. Sometimes, a slightly older version may work.
 * Python 2.6.2      ( http://python.org/ )
 * lxml 2.2.1        ( http://codespeak.net/lxml/ )
 * Twisted 8.2.0     ( http://twistedmatrix.com/ )
 * Cheetah 2.2.1     ( http://cheetahtemplate.org/ )
 * CherryPy 3.1.2    ( http://cherrypy.org/ )
 * libvirt 0.6.1     ( http://libvirt.org/ )
 * pyOpenSSL 0.7.2   ( http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net/ )
 * PyCrypto 2.0.1    ( http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html )
 * pyasn1 0.0.8a     ( http://pyasn1.sourceforge.net/ )

And for building the Java VNC viewer applet:
 * Sun JDK 6         ( http://java.sun.com/javase/ )

## Quick start

Build the Java VNC viewer applet.
$ cd vncviewer
$ make all
$ cd ..
$ cp vncviewer/VncViewer.jar static/

Generate an RSA keypair and certificate for the website:
$ ./gencert.sh

Take the sample config file and customize it:
$ cp config.py.sample config.py
$ nano config.py

Start the server:
$ ./server.py

Navigate to: https://localhost:8443/

### Additional notes

When using an SSH connection, the recommended way is to set up a
password-less keypair for the website. ~/.ssh/config is read to find
out where the private key is stored, so even if you have a working keypair,
make sure you explicitely specify where it's located in there.

For example, set up your ~/.ssh/config as:
 Host virthost
    Hostname virthost.myorg.org
    Username virtuser
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.virt
    PreferredAuthentications publickey

in ./config.py
set LIBVIRT_URIS to: ['qemu+ssh://virthost/system']