
A curated list of aweseome projects around the bicycle.

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A curated list of awesome bikeprojects including bike sport, open data, data visualization, data analytics, data journalism, urban planing, crowdsourcing. There is no pre-established order of items in each category, the order is for contribution. If you want to contribute, please read the guide.

  • Radmesser - The Tagesspiegel, together with physicists, experts in artificial intelligence and designers, has developed its own sensor to find out how close car and bicycle drivers are in Berlin's city traffic.
  • fixmyberlin - The Berlin-based FixMyBerlin project analyzes all major roads in the city according to their cycling infrastructure. And keep track of where construction projects are really being implemented (source code).
  • Fahrradwetter - A script that checks the rain radar to give you a forecast if you should ride the bike today.
  • traffic dynamics - interactive visualisation of bike (and car) count data from Münster (Westf., source code)
  • Streetmix - Design, remix and share your street. Add cycle paths, widen sidewalks or lanes, and find out how that affects your community (source code).
  • fahrrad-initiativen.de - A list of bike initiatives in germany.
  • Radlquartier München - An interactive visualization of Munich's bike sharing system (source code)
  • CityBikes - Visualizations and APIs for many bike sharing systems around the globe (source code).
  • Bike data project - Our aim is to create impact by showing where and when people actually bicycle. More data means more influence over those in power to make cities more sustainable and bike-friendly.
  • bikedata - R package to extract data from public hire bicycle systems.