
wordpress custom conditionals

Primary LanguagePHP

Short codes:

  • which_stream
    • Attributes: is_a = null, is_b = null
    • Displays value of is_a if delegate's "Stream preference" is "A"; displays value of is_b if delegate's "Stream preference" is "B"
  • generic_timetable
    • Returns generic timetable according to whether delegate is an online or in-person delegate. Timetable information is stored in ./timetables/
  • is_online
    • Attributes: online_true = null, online_false = null
    • Returns value of online_true or online_false depending whether delegate is an online or in-person delegate.

Example usage:

[which_stram is_a="I am a" is_b="I am b"]

Can also type html and css code as attribute values in shortcode