
radiomics, machine learning based on medical images analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Radiomics AI

This repository contains experimental code used for developing radiomics machine learning models. The terminal interface is powered by Hydra.

Running experiments:

Build the container

Build the container: docker compose build
without docker compose: docker build . -t radiomics_ai

Main Pipeline
Main pipeline is run by using the main.py script and specifying an experiment config
With docker compose: docker compose run app [command]
Without docker compose: docker run --gpus all --shm-size=8gb -it -v "$(pwd)":/opt/project/ --env AUTORAD_RESULT_DIR=./outputs --env TZ=Australia/Adelaide --env ENABLE_AUTORAD_LOGGING=0 --env HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 --name "radiomics_ai_$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" radiomics_ai:latest [command]
Replace [command] with the specific command you want to execute

At each run, a new run folder will be created in outputs/experiment_name/YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-dd
mlflow runs will be logged in outputs/models/

Experiments supported


  • Handcrafted radiomics-only: docker compose run app python main.py experiments=wiki_sarcoma


  • Handcrafted radiomics-only: docker compose run app python main.py experiments=meningioma
  • handcrafted + deep learning radiomics: docker compose run app python main.py experiments=meningioma_autoencoder

Special Pipelines:

The main pipeline used to run experiments by default automatically includes the evaluation and analysis pipeline at the end of the run, however, there may be cases for only running the evaluation and analysis.

Evaluation docker compose run app python main.py experiments=meningioma pipelines=evaluate_run
Runs only the evaluation portion of the main pipeline, it runs the bootstrap component and generates confidence intervals for AUC ROC, speicifcity, sensitivity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value, in addition to the AUC ROC curve. It accepts a `run_id` argument to analyse a specific run, or it'll analyse the last run of the experiment name in the config
Analysis docker compose run app python main.py experiments=meningioma pipelines=analysis
Runs only the analysis portion of the main pipeline, mainly for explaining and assessing model performance. It accepts a `run_id` argument to analyze a specific run, or it'll analyze the last run of the experiment name in the config. It calculates the Shapley values of the selected model in the run, and plots:
  • The global absolute SHAP bar plot
  • Breakdown of the bar plot according to feature class and imaging modalities
  • Scatter plot of the top features
  • Box and whisker plots of the chosen features against the outcome If the bootstrap scores have been calculated, it'll additionally plot:
  • Calibration curve
  • Decision analysis curve
Compare2models pipeline docker compose run app python main.py experiments=meningioma pipelines=compare2models model1_run_id=??? model2_run_id=???
Requires specifying model1_run_id and model2_run_id to get the model and dataset artifacts Uses the Combined 5x2 f test to evaluate the difference in performance between 2 models
Calculate sample size pipeline docker compose run app python main.py experiments=meningioma pipeline._target_=src.pipeline.get_sample_size +sample_sizes=[115,110,100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20] name=calculate_sample_size
Uses a post hoc subsampling method to calculate whether a sufficient sample size was used to train the model, returns a box and whisker plot

Viewing experiment results

Results are stored in the hydra output folder and the artifacts folder of mlflow
All results can be viewed via mlflow, whereas the detailed run configs would be seen in the hydra output folder
To launch mlflow:
docker compose up mlflow
If running as dockerfile:
docker run --shm-size=1gb -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/opt/project/ --env AUTORAD_RESULT_DIR=./outputs --env TZ=Australia/Adelaide --env ENABLE_AUTORAD_LOGGING=0 --env HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 -p 8000:8000 --name "radiomics_ai_$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" radiomics_ai:latest mlflow ui --host= --port=8000 --backend-store-uri=./outputs/models

Test runs

Sometimes it's necessary to see if a new configuration will run without any breaks in the code, as such the test_dryrun function in tests/test_dryrun.py can help quickly identify problems.
docker compose run app pytest tests/test_dryrun.py::test_dryrun

Hydra terminal run tips

  • For config parameters that don't exist, you'll need to add a plus, for example:+variable_name=VALUE translates to config.variable_name: VALUE
  • To pass a list of numbers in the terminal, don't use quotation marks around the list, for example: sample_size="[10,20,30]" translates to a list of strings whereas sample_size=[10,20,30] translates to a list of numbers
  • Adding a notes argument "+notes='helloworld'" allows you to log notes descriptive of the experiment you are running (remember double quotes the whole argument and single quotes the value)

Config parameters

Available classifiers:

  • Random Forest
  • SVM
  • XGBoost
  • Logistic Regression
  • KNN
  • MLP
  • DecisionTreeClassifier
  • Catboost

Available oversampling methods:

  • BorderlineSMOTE
  • SMOTETomek

Available feature selection methods:

  • anova
  • lasso
  • linear_svc
  • tree
  • sf
  • rfe
  • mrmr
  • pca

Classifiers, oversampling methods and feature selection methods support arguments being passed in the config. For example: {_method_: sf, direction: backward, n_jobs: 5, tol: 0.05} the _method_ keyword must be used to indicate the method used.

Development setup

Pycharm interpreter setup

Setup interpreter with pycharm using the docker compose interpreter setting, don't adjust any other run time settings in pycharm (may result in breaks)

Visual Studio Code

The Dev Containers extension allows easy attachment to a running container, such as docker compose up app

Jupyter notebook setup

run: docker compose up jupyter
or without docker compose: docker run --shm-size=1gb -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/opt/project/ --env AUTORAD_RESULT_DIR=./outputs --env TZ=Australia/Adelaide --env ENABLE_AUTORAD_LOGGING=0 --env HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 --name "radiomics_ai_$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" -p 8888:8888 radiomics_ai:latest jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888 --allow-root --no-browser --NotebookApp.token=eabc82b4d609af51618a78b0e93f791ff106b626a0c07ab7
The url to the notebook would be Make sure the working directory in the notebook is correct before working


To run pytests: docker compose run app pytest