
Dockerfile to set up Spotweb on ARM (like Raspberry Pi 2/3) and X86 based systems based on Alpine Linux

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Dockerfile to set up Spotweb on ARM and X86 based systems

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The main goal of this Dockerfile is to easily set up Spotweb using Docker on the Raspberry Pi 2/3 (or any compatible ARM chipset) and regular X86 chipsets.

Quick setup using dockerfile

docker run -p 8080:80 --name spotweb -d -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro erikdevries/spotweb

Provide one or more of the following environment variables to configure the database server (all optional, default values are given below):

  • DB_ENGINE (default = pdo_mysql)
  • DB_HOST (default = mysql)
  • DB_PORT (default = 3306)
  • DB_NAME (default = spotweb)
  • DB_USER (default = spotweb)
  • DB_PASS (default = spotweb)

E.g. to configure server with host some.external.mysql-server.com and port 6612 do the following:

docker run -p 8080:80 --name spotweb -d -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -e "DB_HOST=some.external.mysql-server.com" -e "DB_PORT=6612" erikdevries/spotweb

Quick setup using docker compose

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-arm.yml up or docker-compose -f docker-compose-x86.yml up depending on cpu architecture
  • Visit http://localhost:8080
  • Login with username admin and password spotweb
  • Configure usenet server and wait for cronjob to update (runs once per hour)


  • Spotweb is configured as an open system after running docker-compose up, so everyone who can access can register an account (keep this in mind)
  • If you want to use the Spotweb API, create a new user and use the API key associated with that user
  • If you would like to save nzb files to disk for (e.g.) SABnzbd to be picked up, configure docker-compose.yml to mount /nzb to some directory where nzb's need to be saved, and configure Spotweb to save NZB's to this directory on disk

Docker setup

I decided on the following setup for this Docker image:

  • Image contains NGINX, PHP 7.1 and Crond
  • For the database a second MySQL image is used (as the data stored in the db is nice to have, but not critical)
  • To prevent having to configure Spotweb manually upgrade-db.php is run to upgrade the database and reset the password for the admin user
  • Crond is used to run the retrieve.php script which updates Spotweb with the latest headers from a configured usenet server, the crontab is run every hour at 15 minutes past the whole hour
  • The only required manual configuration is setting up a valid usenet server
  • Depending on what you like, you can mount the /nzb volume and let Spotweb save nzb's to that directory (e.g. mount /nzb to a folder watched by sabnzbd)