Compute Bell polynomials for Faà di Bruno's formula.
N_der = 10; # Maximum order of Bell polynomial
bp = bell_poly(N_der); # Create bell polynomials
bc = bell_coeff(bp); # Compute bell coefficients
Computing and saving Bell polynomials
If you want to compute and save the Bell polynomials you may use
N_der = 20;
path_2_folder = "my_folder_path"
bp = bell_poly( N_der;
or simply
bp = bell_poly(N_der, save_on_disk = true)
to save the files in folder "bell_results/"
Reading the Bell polynomials
The Bell polynomials can be read with
bp_new = read_bell_poly(path_to_folder=path_2_folder)
or if the standard folder "bell_results/"
is used
bp_new = read_bell_poly()
We are wish to find the derivatives of function composition
up to the order of
The derivative of the outer function is noted as
and the derivative of the inner function is noted as
Derivative of outer function
p = 0.1;
f_der(x,n) = p^n * exp(p*x)
Inner function and its derivatives
g(t) = sin(t)
g_der(t,n) = sin(t+n*π/2)
Bell polynomial and coefficients data
using BellBruno
bp = bell_poly(10)
bc = bell_coeff(bp)
Sampling points and Faà di Bruno's formula
tgrid = -π:0.01:2π # Sampling points
diff_data = faa_di_bruno(f_der, g, g_der, tgrid,bp, bc)
The full listing tutorial_example.jl can be found here.
Derivatives up to order 5
Derivatives up to order 10