- 5
Decimal places for PriceAmount fixed at 2 digits - need 4 digits e.g. for fuel invoice
#398 opened by harzmann - 1
Subject Code TXD (Tax declaration) missing
#433 opened by s1nn3r - 8
- 1
AccountingCustomerParty CompanyID
#441 opened by DaveHalma - 2
- 2
- 2
AddSpecifiedTradeAllowanceCharge does not add reason and chargePercentage to XML
#445 opened by tdreiner - 1
Trade Allowance Charge on position level
#412 opened by srkptzld - 3
UBL-Writer Closing Tag for Delivery is missing
#427 opened by quotschmacher - 0
EN16931 XRechnung (CII) Fehler
#423 opened by goedo - 5
ShipTo information not available on output XML
#421 opened by ricavir11 - 6
XML in UTF-8 ohne BOM
#390 opened by MSergLoos - 1
X-Rechnung 3.0 Extension not supported in Reader
#416 opened by MelanieVeigl - 0
Wrong value for CalculatedAmount Version 14.1.0
#413 opened by rimmel-ai - 23
XRechnung UBL PaymentTerms with LineBreak
#388 opened by quotschmacher - 2
- 2
- 3
Exception if namespaces dont have the default names
#401 opened by MelanieVeigl - 1
- 0
Warning in XRechnung UBL
#395 opened by CSharpProgrammerA - 1
BT-15 - BT-19 Felder
#389 opened by UserDinDF - 6
- 10
- 4
ShipToTradeParty wird nicht geschrieben.
#359 opened by MSergLoos - 3
How to deal with vouchers
#357 opened by engelhuber - 4
- 0
Make list access private
#372 opened by stephanstapel - 1
ZUGFeRDVersion.Version2.2 is no more available
#371 opened by hh-it-co - 3
Wrong parsing *TradeParty PostTradeAddress
#346 opened by dviry - 2
- 7
- 7
ZUGFeRD - Missing qdt namespace
#355 opened by quotschmacher - 6
- 2
ElectronicAddressSchemeIdentifiers is missing the code for Austrian VAT Number (9914)
#353 opened by cst-tobias-michel - 0
#352 opened by stephanstapel - 8
- 0
Break various ZUGFeRD 2.3 features into issues
#351 opened by stephanstapel - 0
Add included note on item level
#350 opened by stephanstapel - 0
Multiple buyer trade party ids
#349 opened by stephanstapel - 1
- 3
- 6
- 3
- 2
Invalid Content was found starting with element '{"urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100":AttachmentBinaryObject}'. One of
#336 opened by multitone - 0
- 5
X-Rechnung CII: missing qdt namespace
#322 opened by MelanieVeigl - 3
TestIndicator should be false if not specified
#323 opened by MelanieVeigl - 10
- 0
UBL: do not use ShipFromTradeParty
#318 opened by stephanstapel - 1
UBL: do not write AllowanceChargeBasisAmount
#319 opened by stephanstapel