
TaxExemptionReasonCodes aren't upper-case

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tipa commented

The ZUGFeRD validation website ( now redirects to validation website:
When validating a reverse charge invoice with that tool, the following warnings are emitted:

[BR-CL-22]-Tax exemption reason code identifier scheme identifier MUST belong to the CEF VATEX code list. Please be aware, that the code list is case-sensitive.
[CEF-VATEX-1] The specified ExemptionReasonCode >vatex-eu-ae< shall not be combined with the CategoryCode >AE<.

The library currently writes the reason code in lower-case:

return codes.ToString("g").Replace("_","-");

When changing the string to upper-case, both warnings disappear in the "XML.VALITOOL".

In the code list xlsx file from the Factur-X specification, the VATEX reason codes are also upper-case.
Also, the EU publishes the VATEX list with upper-case reason codes (see under "VATEX code list"):