Hydra, a high performance and resilient DHCP server is a research project towards a distributed and scalable DHCP service in Erlang/OTP for next generations IPAM scenarios.
This is the source code of an Erlang/OTP application designed to function as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) service featuring scalability and resilence thanks to the great OTP framework capabilities.
This is work in progress, yet a rebarized "shell" is provided from day one to manage the entire OTP application as a command-line Unix program, so for the most part you only need to follow the install instructions to get a single standalone "hdcp-server" escript bundle.
As Aug'14 this project is on hold so updates will make their way on a very slow fashion.
The repository is registered on Travis-ci, so a green status means all software compile and unit tests (if any) went fine.
We will provide a stable release on reaching v 1.0.
Escript fronted :
- Command-line parsing , and complete statup and shutdoen of the bundle OTP application.
Cross module get-opt :
- Gathering of options specs across all bundled modules.
Main OTP tree :
- Simple (non distributed) applicaction startup with config data provided from escript frontend.
Console server :
Table master :
- Simple inheritance from process deaths, and service of ETS table identifiers to any process.
UDP Driver :
- UDP port configurable via command-line.
- Iface and server ID configuration in progress.
Middleman DHCP encoder / decoder:
DORA Cache manager :
- Helps middlemen processes to figure out which FSM is managing client state, and also spawn new FSM on request.
DORA DHCP State machine :
- Manages entire DHCP server state machine for every client. FSM can stop storing data into a suitable pool server (which also presist lease info to a DETS file).
Address Pool Servers :
'Simple pool type' this type manages a simple range of IP's, and a list of options using a ETS table and a DETS table to persist lease information. Simple format suitable for file:consult() usage:
- Pool name {name, "Universidad"}
- A range of IP's {range, {192,168,1,2}, {192,168,1,253}}
- A list of Options
- {lease_time, 3600}
- {renewal_time, 1800}
- {rebinding_time, 3000}
- {subnet_mask, {255, 255, 255, 0}}
- {broadcast_address, {192, 168, 1, 255}}
- {dns_server, {192, 168, 1, 1}}
- {domain_name, "uah.es"}
- {router, {192, 168, 1, 254}}
Init functions mostly finished ( file parse, load and state/tables population)
Basic DHCP service
- Simple file based data backend and SQL storage backend.
- DHCP Fingerprinting
High Performance DHCP Service
- Hydra mode: Serving a pool of UDP ports (on suitable platforms with iptables like capabilities)
Distributed DHCP service
- Master/Slave HA schemes.
- Multimaster HA (Mnesia)
[Top Supervisor]
| | | | |
[Supervisor] [Supervisor] [Supervisor] [Supervisor] [Supervisor]
| | | | | |
| | Pid? | | | [Console]
| | --->[FSM cache] [*] | |
[UDP_SRV_SRV] | | | | [Table Heir]
| | | |
| | |
| | |
--Erlang Terms--> [DORA_FSM] [ADDR_POOL_SRV]
| |
| |
--Erlang Terms--> [ADDR_POOL_SRV]
[*] Simple_one_for_one Supervisor
- One per UDP port served (currently on UDP port), dispatch UDP messages between network hosts and erlang processes.
- At least one per core, transform UDP message into erlang terms and viceversa, and talks (async) to DORA finite state machines.
- One per active client, manage the entire DHCP exchange state machine (a.k.a DORA) and talks (sync) to pool servers
to get leases.
- One per addr pool configured, manages client leases and pool policies.
5. Miscelaneous servers.
- Console service: frontend offering services to print all the various structures on the application.
- Table heir: Responsible for ets tables used across the various workers.
1. Base Operating System
- Unix-like compatible operating systems
- Currently tested on Mac OS X 10.8.5 (development platform)
2. Erlang environment
- Currently tested on Erlang R16B03-1
1. Get Erlang/OTP.
2. Get rebar.
$ git clone git://github.com/rebar/rebar.git
$ cd rebar
$ ./bootstrap
Recompile: src/getopt
Recompile: src/rebar_utils
==> rebar (compile)
move the result rebar file to somewhere in yout $PATH
3. Clone this repository.
4. Build the application.
- cd Hydra-DHCP
- rebar clean
- rebar compile
- rebar escriptize
5. Run the server
bash-3.2$ ./dhcp_server --help
Hydra, a high performance and resilent Erlang DHCP server.
Copyright: 2014 Angel J. Alvarez Miguel
Version: 0.1
Usage: ./dhcp_server [-D <pool_dir>] [-P <procs>] [-V] [-v] [-d <debug>] [-?] [-M <middleman_pool_factor>] [-U <udp_port>]
-D, --pooldir Pool data directory.
-P, --cores Number of workers (default 2*core).
-V, --version Show software version.
-v, --verbose Show all actions performed.
-d, --debug Show debug info.
-?, --help Show this help.
-M, --middleman Use 1, 2 or 4 middlemen (packet processors) per core
-U, --udp UDP listening port.
Remember you need root privileges to open port 67, instead you can try something like this:
$ ./dhcp_server --udp 2000
so you dont need to be root... do you?
$ sudo ./dhcp_service
Once the server start, you should see something like this
bash-3.2$ ./dhcp_server --timeout 10 --udp 9000
Hydra, a high performance and resilent Erlang DHCP server.
Copyright: 2014 Angel J. Alvarez Miguel
Version: 0.1
top_sup: Init, I got 5 children to spawn..
misc_sup: Init..
[console_srv]: Init...
[ets_master_srv]: Init..
[addr_pool_sup] Initiating, got 2 address pools to setup
[addr_pool_srv_1]: Initiating pool from file ./data/pool2.dat..
[addr_pool_srv_1]: Creating ETS pool named 'Universidad2'..
[ets_master_srv]: Pid {<0.38.0>,#Ref<>} asked for 'Universidad2', we sent not_found..
[addr_pool_srv_1]: Creating DETS leases table named 'Universidad2.leases'..
[addr_pool_srv_1]: Populating pool from {10,10,0,2} to {10,10,1,253}..
[addr_pool_srv_1]: option: {lease_time,3600}
[addr_pool_srv_1]: option: {renewal_time,1800}
[addr_pool_srv_1]: option: {rebinding_time,3000}
[addr_pool_srv_1]: option: {subnet_mask,{255,255,254,0}}
[addr_pool_srv_1]: option: {dns_server,{192,168,1,1}}
[addr_pool_srv_1]: option: {domain_name,"uah.es"}
[addr_pool_srv_1]: option: {router,{10,10,1,254}}
[addr_pool_srv_1]: Transferring client leases to ETS pool.
[addr_pool_srv_2]: Initiating pool from file ./data/pool1.dat..
[addr_pool_srv_2]: Creating ETS pool named 'Universidad'..
[ets_master_srv]: Pid {<0.44.0>,#Ref<>} asked for 'Universidad', we sent not_found..
[addr_pool_srv_2]: Creating DETS leases table named 'Universidad.leases'..
[addr_pool_srv_2]: Populating pool from {192,168,1,2} to {192,168,1,253}..
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {lease_time,3600}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {renewal_time,1800}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {rebinding_time,3000}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {subnet_mask,{255,255,255,0}}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {broadcast_address,{192,168,1,255}}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {dns_server,{192,168,1,1}}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {domain_name,"uah.es"}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: option: {router,{192,168,1,254}}
[addr_pool_srv_2]: Transferring client leases to ETS pool.
dora_cache_sup: Init..
dora_cache_srv: Init..
[dora_dyn_sup]: Init..
[middleman_sup]: Init.. I got 4 children to spawn
[middleman_srv_1]: Init..
[middleman_srv_2]: Init..
[middleman_srv_3]: Init..
[middleman_srv_4]: Init..
network_sup: Init..
udp_driver_srv: Init..
udp_driver_srv: I got 4 middleman pids..
udp_driver_srv: Opening UPD port 9000..
Application started...
[MAIN] Application Timeout
Application stopped...
- Angel J. Alvarez Miguel
- "Erlang Programming", Cesarini, Thompson, 2009, O’Reilly.
- "The DHCP Handbook 2nd Ed.", Droms n Lemon, 2003, Sams.
- "IP ADDRESS MANAGEMENT Principles and Practice", Rooney, 2011, IEEE Press.
- RFC 2131, 6361