
Google Books API Search Command Line Interface Application

Primary LanguagePython

Google Books API Search CLI App

This book finder application uses Google Books API to search for books based on user input in the command line interface.

The search returns a list of 5 books matching keywords, genres, or titles provided by user.

User can select books from list to add to a new list called, "Reading List".

Each result must include: title, author, publisher/company.


Python 3.8


Google Books API documentation:





  1. Install python and pip on your computer. To check the current version of Python installed on your computer; open your command line interface and run the command:

     python3 --version

    Python versions 3.4 and above include pip installation. For earlier Python versions, install pip using your command line interface and run the command:

     pip -- version
     python3 pip install virtualenv

    Download Python: Here

    Access Python documentation: Here

  2. Once python is installed, clone the latest version of this project using the following command in the command line interface:

    git clone https://github.com/stephback/Google_Books_API_Search_CLI_App.git
  3. Locate the cloned project in your local directory using the command line interface. Once located, find the file named:

  4. Once execute_program_app.py is located, run the command:

    python3 execute_program_app.py
  5. Follow prompts on command line interface.

Future implementations:

  • Currently, this project lacks tests for the following modules:
    • execute_program_app.py
    • print_app_results.py
  • There are TypeError bugs present in the book_finder module due to url, api_key, and query categories consisting of strings and objects. This is causing the api connection to fail.
    • Ideally, I would like to implement the urllib request and parse libraries to build/handle these query strings.
  • In the future, add functionality to view multiple books and save multiple books to reading list.
  • Add functionality that handles errors and user input errors better.