- 0
Travis CI: publication, uglify and tests
#29 opened by theofidry - 0
- 0
Avoid "threshold"
#40 opened by Draeli - 1
swipe event stopped working in all browsers
#39 opened by shinyat - 2
Doesn't work with jquery 3.0
#37 opened - 0
PreventDefault inside passive
#38 opened by LouiseSSL - 3
- 2
License (again)
#36 opened by jkmarz - 2
Depends on jquery.event.move but not "required"
#35 opened by rdehouss - 0
- 1
- 1
Question: Is this package Jquery 2.x compatible?
#31 opened by shehi - 1
Get event.swipe working on jsfiddle
#30 opened by dariuszsikorski - 12
Publish to NPM
#28 opened by jondavidjohn - 1
Event not triggered if bound in delegation mode
#27 opened by Habared - 4
Scroll doesn't work
#26 opened by NuclleaR - 1
allow scrolling swipe as normal
#24 opened by symeonb - 9
- 3
- 1
Add active class to slide button
#20 opened by pemasat - 1
swipe not working
#22 opened by RenShine - 3
- 0
Simplify swipe or scroll math formula with Math.abs
#19 opened by taivo - 2
Bad links?
#16 opened by marcosgz - 1
Bower integration does not work correctly
#13 opened by paulmillr - 4
Not working on IE10 Windows Phone 8
#8 opened by vmasciotta - 1
- 1
jQuery 2.x support
#14 opened by mu3 - 1
Add main key to package.json
#15 opened by foxbunny - 2
No more scroll when binding to body
#9 opened by vinzentt - 1
Strange padding/margin around slides when img tags are on separate lines in markup
#7 opened by o-l-e - 5
- 2
Using Swipe To Slide A DIV Up Or Down
#6 opened by eat-sleep-code - 10
- 1