
Course project for the 'Getting and Cleaning Data' coursera run by JHU.

Primary LanguageR

Course Project

Getting and Cleaning Data

Author: Stephen Wade Date: 26/07/2015

This is the repository for the project for Getting and Cleaning Data, a course run by John Hopkins University via coursera.

The output is generated by running the script run_analysis.R in Rstudio. This will;

  1. download the UCI HAR data into the ./data/ sub-directory;
  2. extract the contents of the archive;
  3. merge the test and training data into a single tidy dataset, extracting only the mean and standard deviation components of the feature vector; and
  4. generate a summary (tidy) dataset which contains the average of the mean and standard deviation variables grouped by subject and activity.

To run, the dplyr library (version 0.2 or greater) is required.

The extracted data (without averaging) is stored in output/UCI_HAR_ms_tidy.txt while the summary (averaged) data is found in output/UCI_HAR_ms_averages.txt, both are generated using the write.table() function in R.

  • codebook.md describes the original data and the tidy dataset produced by this project
  • run_analysis' is a bash script which simply runs run_analysis.R` using Rscript.
  • download_UCI_data.R contains a function for downloading the data, and is invoked by run_analysis.R
  • process_UCI_data.R contains functions for processing/cleaning the UCI HAR datasets into a tidy datasets (ready for merging/summary), is invoked by run_analysis.R

The MD5 sums of the output files (for verification of procedure) are

  • UCI_HAR_ms_tidy.txt 858320ed6cd349fb51b49e837a5bbe93
  • UCI_HAR_ms_summary.txt 2d1141575bef34b7d85b1065c49f521e