
A PHP wrapper for the official Pinterest API.

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pinterest API - PHP

A PHP wrapper for the official Pinterest API.

Still a work in progress, but all documented methods are working.


  • PHP 5.4 or higher
  • cURL
  • Registered Pinterest App

Get started

To use the Pinterest API you have to register yourself as a developer and create an application. After you've created your app you will receive a app_id and app_secret.

The terms client_id and client_secret are in this case app_id and app_secret.


The Pinterest API wrapper is available on Composer.

composer require dirkgroenen/Pinterest-API-PHP

Simple Example

use DirkGroenen\Pinterest\Pinterest;

$pinterest = new Pinterest(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);

After you have initialized the class you can get a login URL:

$loginurl = $pinterest->auth->getLoginUrl(CALLBACK_URL, array('read_public'));
echo '<a href=' . $loginurl . '>Authorize Pinterest</a>';

Check the Pinterest documentation for the available scopes.

Get the user's profile

To get the profile of the current logged in user you can use the Users::me(<array>); method.

$me = $pinterest->users->me();
echo $me;


The API wrapper will parse all data through it's corresponding model. This results in the possibility to (for example) directly echo your model into a JSON string.

Models also show the available fields (which are also described in the Pinterest documentation). By default, not all fields are returned, so this can help you when providing extra fields to the request.

Available models


  • id
  • name

Retrieving extra fields

If you want more fields you can specify these in the $data array. Example:



    "id": "503066358284560467",
    "username": null,
    "first_name": "Dirk ",
    "last_name": "Groenen",
    "bio": null,
    "created_at": null,
    "counts": null,
    "image": null

By default, not all fields are returned. The returned data from the API has been parsed into the User model. Every field in this model can be filled by parsing an extra $data array with the key fields. Say we want the user's username, first_name, last_name and image (small and large):

    'fields' => 'username,first_name,last_name,image[small,large]'

The response will now be:

    "id": "503066358284560467",
    "username": "dirkgroenen",
    "first_name": "Dirk ",
    "last_name": "Groenen",
    "bio": null,
    "created_at": null,
    "counts": null,
    "image": {
        "small": {
                "url": "http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/avatars/dirkgroenen_1438089829_30.jpg",
                "width": 30,
                "height": 30
            "large": {
                "url": "http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/avatars/dirkgroenen_1438089829_280.jpg",
                "width": 280,
                "height": 280


When the API returns multiple models (for instance when your requesting the pins from a board) the wrapper will put those into a Collection.

The output of a collection contains the data and page key. If you echo the collection you will see a json encoded output containing both of these. Using the collection as an array will only return the items from data.

Available methods for the collection class:

Get all items


$pins = $pinterest->users->getMeLikes();

Returns: array<Model>

Get item at index

get( int $index )

$pins = $pinterest->users->getMeLikes();

Returns: Model

Check if collection has next page


$pins = $pinterest->users->getMeLikes();

Returns: Boolean

Available methods

Every method containing a data array can be filled with extra data. This can be for example extra fields or pagination.


The methods below are available through $pinterest->auth.

Get login URL

getLoginUrl(string $redirect_uri, array $scopes);

$pinterest->auth->getLoginUrl("https://pinterest.dev/callback.php", array("read_public"));

Check the Pinterest documentation for the available scopes.

At this moment the Pinterest API returns the user's access_token in the query string on the callback page. The documentation states that this should be a code, so the next method has been writing assuming this will be changed somewhere in the future

Get access_token

getOAuthToken(string $code );


Set access_token

setOAuthToken(string $access_token );



The methods below are available through $pinterest->users.

You also cannot access a user’s boards or Pins who has not authorized your app.

Get logged in user

me( array $data );


Returns: User

Find a user

find( string $username_or_id );


Returns: User

Get user's pins

getMePins( array $data );


Returns: Collection<Pin>

Search in user's pins

getMePins( string $query, array $data );


Returns: Collection<Pin>

Search in user's boards

searchMeBoards( string $query, array $data );


Returns: Collection<Board>

Get user's boards

getMeBoards( array $data );


Returns: Collection<Board>

Get user's likes

getMeLikes( array $data );


Returns: Collection<Pin>


The methods below are available through $pinterest->boards.

Get board

get( string $board_id, array $data );


Returns: Board

Create board

create( array $data );

    "name"          => "Test board from API",
    "description"   => "Test Board From API Test"

Returns: Board

Delete board

delete( string $board_id, array $data );


Returns: True|PinterestException


The methods below are available through $pinterest->pins.

Get pin

get( string $pin_id, array $data );


Returns: Pin

Get pins from board

fromBoard( string $board_id, array $data );


Returns: Collection<Pin>

Create pin

create( array $data );

Creating a pin with an image hosted somewhere else:

    "note"          => "Test board from API",
    "image_url"     => "https://download.unsplash.com/photo-1438216983993-cdcd7dea84ce",
    "board"         => "503066289565421201"

Creating a pin with an image located on the server:

    "note"          => "Test board from API",
    "image"         => "/path/to/image.png",
    "board"         => "503066289565421201"

Returns: Pin

Update pin

According to the Pinterest documentation this endpoint exists, but for some reason their API is returning an error at the moment of writing.

update( string $pin_id, array $data );


Returns: Pin

Delete pin

delete( string $pin_id, array $data );


Returns: True|PinterestException


The methods below are available through $pinterest->following.

Following users

users( array $data );


Returns: Collection<User>

Following boards

boards( array $data );


Returns: Collection<Board>

Following interests/categories

interests( array $data );


Returns: Collection<Interest>

Follow an user

followUser( string $username_or_id );


Returns: True|PinterestException

Unfollow an user

unfollowUser( string $username_or_id );


Returns: True|PinterestException

Follow a board

followBoard( string $board_id );


Returns: True|PinterestException

Unfollow a board

unfollowBoard( string $board_id );


Returns: True|PinterestException

Follow an interest

According to the Pinterest documentation this endpoint exists, but for some reason their API is returning an error at the moment.

followInterest( string $interest );


Returns: True|PinterestException

Unfollow an interest

According to the Pinterest documentation this endpoint exists, but for some reason their API is returning an error at the moment.

unfollowInterest( string $interest );


Returns: True|PinterestException


Please check https://bitlabs.nl/pinterest for an example project.