
An online platform for users to find an artist and book their next tattoo appointment

This app was developed by me (Stephen Gallagher) as my project 3 submission during the Ironhack Web Development Bootcamp in Berlin.

Students were given 1.5 weeks to create a web application with the following criteria:

  • Use React for all of the user-facing parts of your application.
  • Use Express for your API backend that your React app will communicate with.
  • Use Mongoose for models and database communication.
  • Have 3 models or more.
  • Have validation on its models with feedback for users if their submission is invalid.
  • Include sign up, log in & log out functionality with encrypted passwords (or social logins) and authorization

I thoroughly enjoyed building LinkedInk as it allowed my to utilise the skills I have developed throughout the bootcamp along with my interest in tattoo artistry to create an app that I am really proud of.

I gave myself the challenge of creating two different types of users, of which both will use the website for a different purpose. Users can create an account as either looking for a tattoo (User) or a tattoo artist (Artist)


  • User creates an account and selects their favourite tattoo styles
  • User can create a ‘collection’ of images that is displayed on their dashboard
  • Users explore the website and add artist’s images to their personal collections
  • Users can leave reviews on artist or studio profiles, add appointments to their dashboard and make a booking request


  • Artist creates account and selects their tattoo styles
  • Artist uploads images of their work to their public profile
  • Artist can create and become a member of a tattoo studio
  • Artist receives reviews and booking requests from users