
App for comparing air quality between 2 UK cities.

Build using Open AQ Air Quality API.

Getting Started

You can see this app running here:

Built using Open AQ Air Quality API. You can find all about this API here:


    npm v5.6.0
    git version 2.14.3


To run this project you will need to clone it onto your local machine and install all dependencies.

Navigate to you chosen directory and run the following command in the commandline to clone the package:

    git clone

To install all dependency run:

    npm install

Finally to run the app:

    npm start

Once the build process has finished the app will run locally on your machine.

Still to do...

There is a few unfinished items within the app:

  • Mobile responsive could be better with additional breakpoints and fonts units changed.
  • No error handling is being completed and therefore relaying on the API to be robust.