Idea Toolkit

The test of originality for an idea is not the absence of one single predecessor but the presence of multiple but incompatible ones.

Nassim Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes

Market Research

A few questions to start with:

  1. Is this a problem people talk about or complain about?
  2. Are people seeking assistance or are actively purchasing related products/services or substitutes?
  3. How often are people searching for this or related topics?
  4. How many people have this problem? Is this number growing over time?

Competitive Research

Some questions to answer:

  1. Who else is operating in this space? How competitive does it appear?
  2. How large are these potential competitors (Revenue, Employees, Funding, etc.)?

Channel Testing

TODO - Add some channel tests to preform

Places to Answer Questions

Places to answer questions: