
A template for Ghost

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Sunrise Ghost Theme

Remaining Todos

  • Add a welcome or intro panel to the homepage
  • Add a categories (tag list) page
  • Add search


Styles are compiled using Gulp/PostCSS to polyfill future CSS spec. You'll need Node, Yarn and Gulp installed globally. After that, from the theme's root directory:

# Install

# Run build & watch for changes
yarn dev

Now you can edit /assets/css/ files, which will be compiled to /assets/built/ automatically. Adding new files will require you to restart your local ghost server.


First, have gscan validate the template before zipping it: yarn test

Once validated, the zip Gulp task packages the theme files into dist/<theme-name>.zip, which you can then upload to your site.

yarn zip

Local Server Setup for Development

Follow this guide to setup LiveReload to make it easier to develop a theme locally.

Make sure to symlink the theme in development ln -s ~/Documents/sunrise ./sunrise within the installed Ghost theme directory.

Follow the official Ghost local installation guide to install Ghost.

Run ghost start to start the local Ghost instance that will be available at http://localhost:2368

Run ghost run --development to tail the logs of the running Ghost instance.

If you cannot access the admin panel, it's probably easiest to uninstall your local Ghost instance and start again (don't forget to back-up everything): ghost unsintall



Ghost template configuration sucks. The variables defined in package.json get filtered out, and I haven't found a way to quickly inject variables from the admin interface so there is some hardcoded content throughout.

Custom Pages

Adding a page-<slug>.hbs template in the root folder will route anything from /slug/ to that custom template.

Ghost will need a page created in the admin interface with that slug for this to work, and you'll need to restart your server after creating the template.


Email subscription form is handled via Mailchimp.

Contact Us form is handled via Formspree.


Images should be resized before uploading to be a 16:9 aspect ratio (1080p)

SVG Icons

Makes use of Simple Icons and Apple SF Symbols.

PostCSS Features Used

  • Autoprefixer - Don't worry about writing browser prefixes of any kind, it's all done automatically with support for the latest 2 major versions of every browser.
  • Color Mod


Boilerplate Ghost Content

Ghost uses a simple templating language called Handlebars for its themes.

We've documented our default theme pretty heavily so that it should be fairly easy to work out what's going on just by reading the code and the comments. Once you feel comfortable with how everything works, we also have full theme API documentation which explains every possible Handlebars helper and template.

The main files are:

  • default.hbs - The main template file
  • index.hbs - Used for the home page
  • post.hbs - Used for individual posts
  • page.hbs - Used for individual pages
  • tag.hbs - Used for tag archives
  • author.hbs - Used for author archives

One neat trick is that you can also create custom one-off templates just by adding the slug of a page to a template file. For example:

  • page-about.hbs - Custom template for the /about/ page
  • tag-news.hbs - Custom template for /tag/news/ archive
  • author-ali.hbs - Custom template for /author/ali/ archive


Search Functionality



