This repository shows a example of Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and adapters) using Typescript

My goal with this repository is demonstrate without any external tool, i.e. Database, how implement a API using the Hexagonal Architecture principles.

I used the framework ExpressJS to give the input options of this Http Rest API, but you can easily change for GraphQL with Apollo

Project structure

  • server.ts: is just for initalize the expressJs server
  • app.ts: here i create the instances and give the right adapters for each one. Ah... i use the build routers too :D
  • humanresources: this folder contains all the resources for "survive", using the DDD concepts, in the human resources bounded context. Each directory is a DDD context. We can have the financedepartment, warehouse, etc...
  • shared: in this folder we have shared resources, like the humanresources directory, for use in multiple bounded contexts.
  • test: in this folder we have integration tests, i.e.: use cases, services, database, etc.

Understanding the humanresources folder

  • http/rest: we have the entry point to API
  • domain: we have the domain entities, ports (interfaces) and use cases. Keep all the business logic.
  • application: we have the "glue" between Controller (Rest) and Use Cases (Domain). With the services, i can validate and transform input data in domain data.
  • adapter: this folder keep all the concrete implementations for necessary ports. In this case, the repositories.

Some considerations

  • I keep the unit tests in the same directory of the tested file. For me this make more sense since is a closed scope.
  • tsc command don't generate JS files for *.test.ts
  • I put a lot of employeeRepository adapters... but only one is implemented (Array). The others is just for demonstrate that you can have any kind of implementation, with Postgres, MongoDb, etc...
  • email.ts is a Value Object that contains your own rule.


  • To run: install the packages with npm install and start the server with npm start.
  • To run the tests: execute npm test command.