Some inspiration drawn from:
Simplify & automate setting up the following:
- Developer Tools & Apps: Java, Spring Boot, git, curl, wget, Intellij IDEA, Visual Studio Code, Docker etc
- Cloud Services: Amazon Web Services, Kubernetes, Google Cloud
- Frontend Development Tools: NPM, Angular, JSHint
- Backend Development Tools: Java, Gradle/Maven, Spring Boot
- Scripts tested on Manjaro Deepin 18.0.2, Ubuntu 18.04.2 Bionic Beaver and Fedora 30
- For directories with more than one file, they'll execute based on their numbering, starting from
- If you fancy using optional githooks, use my custom githooks by running
git submodule update --init && git config core.hooksPath .githooks
- Most yes/no prompts can be disabled by setting an environment variable
with the valuetrue
. This however doesn't cover any other user input eg git name & email
- script
- This script will kicks-off all the other scripts in the repo, first running the distro-specific scripts then the common scripts
- script
- Has a few helper functions and variables used by the other scripts.
- Handles logic such as prompting the user for input, outputting progress messages & error handling, determining the user's OS, generic handling of package installation between the tested distros etc
- tasks/common/*.sh scripts
- setup a few git-related things: gitconfig, global gitignore, auto prune branches on pull/fetch, other git tweaks such as a better git log
- setup Java as per the version specified in By default installs OpenJDK 8
- setup the latest versions of NodeJS and NPM using NVM (Node Version Managers)
- setup Ruby on Rails as per the version specified in By default installs Ruby 2.6.1 and Rails 5.2.2. For any issues in the install process, the gorails setup guide should iron things out
- setup basic cloud-related - AWS (as well as Python & PIP as a nice side-effect), Google Cloud SDK
- setup a few common devops tools - Heroku CLI, Docker, Kubernetes, DBeaver
- setup preferred IDE(s)
- Finalize Arch Linux scripting
Add Fedora scripting- Add MacOS scripting
- Make and test IDE script