
Ongoing collection of accessible, styleable form and field components.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Accessible, styleable form and field React components. Intentionally stateless for your change, focus, blur, and validation logic needs at the container component level.

How To Use?

For now, grab the f1yforms directory and dump it into your components (super high quality, I know), then import into your app with:

import { F1yForm } from './path/to/components/F1yForms'

You'll want to at least import the main F1yForm parent, with any additional components (listed below) included in the curly braces as needed.



Top-level component. Wrap your fields in this fella. If you want a custom wrapper class, feed a string to the styling prop. Children wrapped in the F1yForm will be spit out on render.

  submit={func = () => null}
  styling={str = 'simple'}


Wrap sets of dependant fields (checkboxes, radios) in the fieldset to keep options contextually related. Use the legend prop to label the group of fields.

  legend={str = ''}


The main go-to field for text, email, number, and other general single-line inputs. Always feed it a label and id at minimum. The change, focus, and blur props fire from the field's equivalent event methods -- use these to run a setState call passed from the container.

  label={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  id={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  change={func = () => null}
  focus={func = () => null}
  blur={func = () => null}
  value={str = ''}
  description={str = ''}
  error={str = ''}
  type={str = 'text'}
  required={bool = false}
  disabled={bool = false}


Mostly the same properties as the F1yField (minus type), but with more square footage for longer content. As with F1yField, label and id are required props (you'll see this come up a lot).

  label={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  id={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  change={func = () => null}
  focus={func = () => null}
  blur={func = () => null}
  value={str = ''}
  description={str = ''}
  error={str = ''}
  required={bool = false}
  disabled={bool = false}


  label={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  id={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  change={func = () => null}
  focus={func = () => null}
  blur={func = () => null}
  value={str = ''}
  description={str = ''}
  error={str = ''}
  required={bool = false}
  disabled={bool = false}


  label={str = ''}
  value={str = ''}
  disabled={bool = false}


  label={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  name={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  id={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  change={func = () => null}
  focus={func = () => null}
  blur={func = () => null}
  value={str = ''}
  description={str = ''}
  error={str = ''}
  required={bool = false}
  disabled={bool = false}
  checked={bool = false}


  label={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  name={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  id={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  change={func = () => null}
  focus={func = () => null}
  blur={func = () => null}
  value={str = ''}
  description={str = ''}
  error={str = ''}
  required={bool = false}
  disabled={bool = false}
  checked={bool = false}


  label={str = 'REQUIRED'}
  submit={func = () => null}
  disabled={bool = false}