GOAD is a pentest active directory LAB project. The purpose of this lab is to give pentesters a vulnerable Active directory environement ready to use to practice usual attack techniques.
This fork of GOAD has been modified in order to work on KVM/QEMU hosts using the libvirt plugin. To achieve this, the vagrant images from the original have been replaced with similar libvirt compatible versions. The version of Ubuntu used for the ELK server has also been updated to 20.04, and machine definitions in the Vagrantfile have been updated to have specific cpu and memory settings. Some specifics about how the ansible roles have been organised have also been modified in order to work around some issues I had with overloading the chocolatey servers. The install and usage sections in this README have also been updated to account for these changes.
This lab is extremly vulnerable, do not reuse receipe to build your environement and do not deploy this environment on internet. This repository is for pentest practice only.
This lab use free windows VM only (180 days). After that delay enter a licence on each server or rebuild all the lab (may be it's time for an update ;))
So far the lab has only been tested on a linux machine, but it should work as well on macOS. Ansible has some problems with Windows hosts so I don't know about that.
For the setup to work properly you need to install:
- vagrant from their official site vagrant. The version you can install through your favourite package manager (apt, yum, ...) is probably not the latest one.
- Install vagrant plugin libvirt:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
- Install vagrant plugin winrm:
vagrant plugin install winrm
- Install vagrant plugin winrm-elevated:
vagrant plugin install winrm-elevated
- ansible following the extensive guide on their website ansible.
- Tested with ansible-core (2.13.0)
pip install ansible-core
- KVM/QEMU these VMs will run using KVM/QEMU, so you will need to install those
- pywinrm be sure you got the pywinrm package installed
pip install pywinrm
- ansible windows
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.windows
- ansible community.windows
ansible-galaxy collection install community.windows
- ansible chocolatey
ansible-galaxy collection install chocolatey.chocolatey
- ansible community.general
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
- you also need
for the elk installation
Vagrant and KVM/QEMU are used to provide the virtual machines and Ansible is use to automate the configuration and vulnerabilites setup.
On systems with OpenSSL 3.0, such as Ubuntu 22.04 you might have problems with winrm connections failing with an error of "Digest initialization failed: initialization error". This is due to MD4 being designated as a legacy digest cipher on OpenSSL 3.0.
You can fix this by enabling support for legacy ciphers in OpenSSL by editing your config file (which is /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
on Ubuntu) in a manner similar to what is described here.
- the lab take environ 60Go (but you have to get the space for the vms vagrant images windows server 2016 (6.15Go) / windows server 2019 (6.52) / ubuntu 20.04 (502M))
- the total space needed for the lab is ~80-100 Go (and more if you take snapshots)
The default domain will be sevenkingdoms.local, on the subnet which will be configured on a newly created isolated network domain named goad_private
. Each machine has been allocated its own settings for allocated virtual CPUs and memory, which can be adjusted as needed in the Vagrantfile.
To have the lab up and running this is the commands you should do:
- VMs creation
git clone git@github.com:stephenbradshaw/GOAD.git
cd GOAD/
vagrant up # this will create the vms
- VMs provisionning
- The main.yml playbook is build in 7 parts. each parts can be run independently
- Due to potential issues with the Chocolately servers, the components reliant on this have been seperated into their own playbooks to enable them to be more easily replayed in an isolated fashion if there are any problems
cd ansible
ansible-playbook build.yml # Install stuff and prepare vm
ansible-playbook elk.yml # Install elk on the ubuntu vm and log agent on windows vm
ansible-playbook ad.yml # Install active directory by following the config.json file (domain/users/groups/...)
ansible-playbook vulns.yml # Configure some vulnerabilities
ansible-playbook additional_dc01.yml # Install Chocolatey and other reliant packages on DC01
ansible-playbook additional_dc02.yml # Install Chocolatey and other reliant packages on DC02
ansible-playbook additional_srv01.yml # Install Chocolatey and other reliant packages on SRV01
- Or you can run all the playbook in one step
ansible-playbook main.yml # this will configure the vms in order to play ansible when the vms are ready
- when you finish playing you could do :
vagrant halt # will stop all the vm
- to just relaunch the lab (no need to replay ansible as you already do that in the first place)
vagrant up # will start the lab
- if you got some errors see the troobleshooting section at the end of the document
- Limit to one host with --limit
ansible-playbook main.yml --limit=dc02
Update: Be aware that this feature is untested on this fork, use at your own risk.
If you want to update and replay the vulnerabilities playbook to update the lab you should do :
git pull
cd ansible/
ansible-playbook vulns.yml
This lab is actually composed of three virtual machines:
- kingslanding : DC01 running on Windows Server 2019 (2021.05.15 with windefender enabled by default)
- dragonstone : DC02 running on Windows Server 2016 (2017.12.14 and windefender disabled by default)
- winterfell : Simple Server running on Windows Server 2019 (2020.07.17 with windefender disabled by default)
The lab setup is automated using vagrant and ansible automation tools. You can change the vm version in the Vagrantfile according to Stefan Scherer vagrant repository : https://app.vagrantup.com/StefanScherer
Blueteam :
- elk a kibana is configured on to follow the lab events
- infos : log encyclopedia : https://www.ultimatewindowssecurity.com/securitylog/encyclopedia/
- arya.stark: start user: password Needle
- eddard.stark: DOMAIN ADMIN / NTLM relay with responder
- catelyn.stark: ACL forcechangepassword on eddard.stark
- robb.stark: RESPONDER LLMR
- sansa.stark: ACL writeproperty-self-membership Domain Admins
- brandon.stark: ASREP_ROASTING
- rickon.stark: GPO abuse (Edit Settings on "ChangeWallpaperInBlue" GPO)
- theon.greyjoy:
- hodor: PASSWORD SPRAY (user=password)
- samwell.tarly: Password in ldap description
- jeor.mormont: ACL writedacl-writeowner on group Night Watch
- tywin.lannister: ACL genericall-on-user cersei.lannister
- jaime.lannister: ACL genericwrite-on-user cersei.lannister
- tyron.lannister: ACL self-self-membership-on-group Domain Admins
- cersei.lannister: DOMAIN ADMIN
- robert.baratheon: DOMAIN ADMIN
- joffrey.baratheon:
- renly.baratheon:
- stannis.baratheon: ACL genericall-on-computer dragonstone
- petyer.baelish: ACL writeproperty-on-group Domain Admins
- lord.varys: ACL genericall-on-group Domain Admins
- maester.pycelle: ACL write owner on group Domain Admins
- smbshare anonymous
- two DC
- smb not signed
- responder
- zerologon
- windows defender
- ASREPRoast
- kerberoasting
- AD acl abuse
- Unconstraint delegation
- Ntlm relay
- GPO abuse (in progress not tested)
- generate certificate and enable ldaps
- mitm6
- printerbug / drop the mic
- smbshare null session
- exchange sur kingslanding ou une autre machine ?
- ms17.010 (windows 7)
- zone transfert
- tomcat + RMI
- sccm
- mssql trusted link ?
- add asp server
- exchange abuse
- On dragonstone play as domain admin user :
repadmin /replicate kingslanding.sevenkingdoms.local dragonstone.sevenkingdoms.local dc=sevenkingdoms,dc=local /full
- start all lab vms :
vagrant up
- start only one vm :
vagrant up <vmname>
- stop all the lab vm :
vagrant halt
- drop all the lab vm (because you want to recreate all) (carrefull : this will erase all your lab instance)
vagrant destroy
- only play shares of member_server.yml :
ansible-playbook -i hosts --user=vagrant member_server.yml --tags "shares"
ansible-playbook -i hosts -l dc2 --user=vagrant domain_controller.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts --user=vagrant vulns.yml
ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to have been in '/home/hrrb0032/Documents/mission/GOAD/roles/domain_controller/tasks/main.yml': line 8, column 3, but maybe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: disable enhanced exit codes
^ here
solution : upgrade Ansible
PLAY [DC01 - kingslanding] *******************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ***********************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "winrm or requests is not installed: No module named winrm"}
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************** : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
solution : pip install pywinrm
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: ERROR DURING WINRM SEND INPUT - attempting to recover: WinRMOperationTimeoutError
ok: []
solution : wait or if crashed then re-run Ansible script
TASK [domain_controller : Ensure that Users presents in ou=<kingdom>,dc=SEVENKINGDOMS,dc=local] ***************************************************************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: at Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.ADCmdletBase`1.ProcessRecord()
failed: [] (item={u'key': u'lord.varys', u'value': {u'city': u"King's Landing", u'password': u'_W1sper_$', u'name': u'Lord Varys', u'groups': u'Small Council', u'path': u'OU=Users,OU=Crownlands,OU=kingdoms,DC=SEVENKINGDOMS,DC=local'}}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"key": "lord.varys", "value": {"city": "King's Landing", "groups": "Small Council", "name": "Lord Varys", "password": "_W1sper_$", "path": "OU=Users,OU=Crownlands,OU=kingdoms,DC=SEVENKINGDOMS,DC=local"}}, "msg": "Unhandled exception while executing module: An unspecified error has occurred"}
solution : re-run Ansible script
- Thomas Rollain (tests & some vulns writing)
- Quentin Galliou (tests)
- https://unicornsec.com/home/siem-home-lab-series-part-1
- https://github.com/jckhmr/adlab
- https://www.jonathanmedd.net/2019/09/ansible-windows-and-powershell-the-basics-introduction.html
- https://www.secframe.com/badblood/
- https://josehelps.com/blog/2019-08-06_building-a-windows-2016-dc/
- https://medium.com/@vartaisecurity/lab-building-guide-virtual-active-directory-5f0d0c8eb907
- https://www.ansible.com/blog/an-introduction-to-windows-security-with-ansible
- https://github.com/rgl/windows-domain-controller-vagrant
- https://www.sconstantinou.com/powershell-active-directory-delegation-part-1/
- https://www.shellandco.net/playing-acl-active-directory-objects/
- https://github.com/clong/DetectionLab
- https://www.ired.team/offensive-security-experiments/active-directory-kerberos-abuse/abusing-active-directory-acls-aces
- ...