- 2
Expression<String>(. - Error
#1288 opened by KKBytes0629 - 0
- 2
When create a table, Xcode give a note :Instance method 'column(_:primaryKey:check:)' requires the types 'String' and 'Int64' be equivalent
#1285 opened by cxycxy1111 - 1
- 1
data insertion doesnt bind data correctly
#1286 opened by theMartianAlien - 0
Remove trace_v1
#1283 opened by theolampert - 4
Windows support
#1239 opened by alexvinidiktov - 0
How to check if a column is existed?
#1282 opened by zhenghongyi - 1
- 7
Missing argument label 'value:' in call
#1277 opened by OstrichRunning - 0
Recurring crash when connection object goes out of scope
#1276 opened by ssokol - 1
- 0
SQLCipher not an error (code: 21)
#1275 opened by jcortezstudio - 0
- 5
Expression - name space conflict with Xcode 16/iOS 18
#1269 opened by neodave - 0
assertionFailure happened in iterator
#1271 opened by phuanggh - 0
- 0
Will this lib consider `sendable`?
#1266 opened by Horse888 - 1
Problem with CSQLite
#1246 opened by freefelt - 1
SQLite.swift and SQLCipher
#1259 opened by Nahatakyan - 2
#1263 opened by numb-cola - 1
New SQL Coders
#1262 opened by pravdomil - 0
#1256 opened by donaldjohncapili - 2
Unable to decode optional custom type
#1254 opened by pravdomil - 0
SQLiteCipher and visionOS support
#1261 opened by nathanfallet - 0
Error: use of @import in framework header is discouraged, requires -fmodules
#1258 opened by bluelobe - 2
Feature: Request visionOS Support
#1238 opened by loganblevins - 0
Symbol not found: _$s6SQLite10ConnectionC15TransactionModeO8deferredyA2EmFWC
#1257 opened by thiagosan252 - 10
Version 0.15.0 Not Applied in CocoaPods
#1250 opened by sihon321 - 1
Double quotes when using ULID
#1253 opened by pravdomil - 1
ncorrect checksum for freed object
#1252 opened by GitNirajHub - 1
bug in optional support for decoding
#1247 opened by Chris-Stockbridge - 2
privacy manifest
#1229 opened by cashleeboy - 1
Swift Compiler Error when project depend SQLite.swift and sqlite3_flutter_libs
#1251 opened by tbfungeek - 0
Subscrip to changes
#1241 opened by Battzzo - 0
can not get column info with join
#1240 opened by calidion - 0
SqlCipher support for Swift PM, Here's a solution
#1236 opened by telami - 1
Integrate SQLite code directly into project - Did a few renames - one last issue not sure what is causing it. - Help
#1235 opened by waelsaad - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Duplicate symbol in LinkServices.framework
#1226 opened by colemancda - 0
Unit Test Codable Implementation
#1225 opened by JacobHearst - 1
Support for returning
#1221 opened by mfbx9da4 - 0
fix(LiteralValue): 'LiteralValue' initializer is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection
#1223 opened by theonetheycallneo - 0
how to use group by having
#1222 opened by kmitj - 0
Custom function cannot return Blob/Data
#1220 opened by tylerbrandt - 0
It is not possible to use UPSERT with a composite/multicolumn unique index
#1219 opened by DominikPalo