Notes on using git in RStudio

  • Windows 10
  • Latest R and RStudio (admin required [or use versions on Software Centre])
  • Latest git (no admin required)

Connect git to your R project via RStudio

R project with "Version Control"

  1. Open and sign in
  2. Create a new repository: the name of this repository is likely to be the R project name - choose carefully
  3. Open RStudio
  4. File > New Project... > Version Control > Git: fill out details, pasting the URL of the git repo you just created into the Respository URL field, and I recommend using the repo name for the R Project directory name
  5. Click Create project
  6. Write code, commit and push, etc.

For alternative options, e.g., adding git to an existing project, you'll have to fiddle in git cli. This is easy, but not covered here. Instead, see tutorial like this:

GitHub issues


Install the github command line interface tool gh:

  1. Download gh from
  2. Put in a location on C: where it can be executed, e.g., ~/bin

Create an issue

Use the function ghi in script ghi.R.

Alternatively, Run something like: gh issue create --title "A test issue" --body "See if this works" --assignee @me. Other options to gh issue create include:

  • --title "My new issue"
  • --body "Here are more details."
  • --assignee @me,monalisa
  • --label "bug,help wanted"
  • --project onboarding
  • --milestone "learning codebase"

Closing an issue

You can close an issue by including a special command in your commit message. See For example:

This is a git commit message that closes issue #27: Closes #27

Try R package gh


See also

Presentation: "Using git in RStudio"

See the Quarto slides here