
A ruby program to recover Eudora mailbox files that have become corrupted.

Primary LanguageRuby

Recover corrupted Eudora mailbox files and report on number of messages in mailboxes

Recover corrupted Eudora mailbox files on Mac OS X

Sometimes when Eudora crashes when downloading files some of the mailbox files get corrupted.

Here’s an example of what this type of corruption looks like:

This corruption often extends through many messages in a mailbox.

The Ruby program recover_mailbox.rb will make a backup of a corrupted Eudora mailbox file and then
try to recreate an uncorrupted version of the mailbox.

After downloading the program you can run it as follows:

First quit Eudora.

# cd to the directory where the corrupted Eudora mailbox files is located
path_to_ruby_executable path_to_recover_mailbox.rb corrupted_eudora_mailbox

On Mac OS X the default system ruby is located here: /usr/bin/ruby


[~]$ cd ~/Documents/Eudora\ Folder\ \(stephen\)/Mail\ Folder/
[Mail Folder]$ /usr/bin/ruby /Users/stephen/dev/ruby/src/lib/recover_corrupted_macosx_eudora_mailboxes/recover_mailbox.rb In
Making backup copy of In to ./In-backup.
Reading 6330 messages from original Eudora mailbox: In.
Writing into new Eudora mailbox: ./In-2.
Replacing original Eudora mailbox: In with: ./In-2.
A copy of the original Eudora mailbox: In is now named: ./In-backup.

Report on number of messages in each Eudora mailbox

Eudora has a limit on 32767 messages in a mailbox and exceeding this value will cause errors. It is helpful to archive
or delete messages before exceeding this limit.

Running mailbox-report.rb will list all mailboxes and the number of messages they contain. At the end of the process a list of all the mailboxes that contain more than 25000 messages will be repeated.


$ mailbox-report.rb /Users/stephen/Documents/Eudora\ Folder/Mail\ Folder/

processing: 777 mailboxes in path: /Users/stephen/Documents/Eudora Folder/Mail Folder/ ...

    count   messages  path
       1        23    0-lmts/aws        
       2         8    0-lmts/lab-travis 
       3       203    1-github/1-lab.github


     775       175    phone-numbers     
     776        23    saved-bt          
     777         0    Trash             

9 mailbox files with more than 25000 messages ...

    messages    path
     25249      3-lists/rails/rails-archive/rails-07-2
     25678      9-personal/1-lists/f-boats-07-08