New Relic Platform - .NET SDK


Get Started Writing a Platform Plugin

The following will guide you through the process of writing a Platform plugin with our .NET SDK. For additional information, please refer to our getting started documentation.

Key Concepts

Core classes to be aware of in the SDK:

  • Agent - When writing a plugin, you will create a class that extends the SDK's abstract base Agent class and overrides several key methods such as PollCycle() and GetAgentName(). Each instance of an Agent should correspond to an instance of a thing you are monitoring (e.g. You may have a MSSQLAgent.cs file that extends Agent, so each instance of MSSQLAgent would represent a different MS SQL Server you are monitoring.)

  • AgentFactory - AgentFactory is an abstract base class that is meant to help facilitate creation of Agents from the well-defined configuration file 'plugin.json'.

  • Runner - Runner is the main entrypoint class for the SDK. Essentially you will create an instance of a Runner, assign either your programmatically configured Agents or your AgentFactory to it, and then call SetupAndRun() which will begin invoking the PollCycle() method on each of your Agents once per polling interval.

  • Processors - Processors are used to help with more complex metrics. For example, many metrics are simply scalar values (e.g. Number of database connections, bytes read, etc) but many times you care about the metric in relation to something else such as time. We provide processors (such as the EpochProcessor) to do the heavy lifting for you. That is, instead of just reporting 'Number of database connections' you can run that number through an EpochProcessor each poll interval and end up with 'Number of database connections per minute'.

  • Logger - The Logger class is provided to help you easily log data within your plugin in a consistent manner to the SDK. Simply create a new instance of a Logger using the Logger.getLogger() method and you will immediately be able provide robust logging to yourself and your plugin's consumers.

Creating your Plugin

Step 0 - Know what you want to monitor

It is very important to consider what dashboards you'd like to show for whatever it is you are monitoring in the New Relic UI before you begin development. The reason for this is that metric names are very important when aggregating data in dashboards in the New Relic UI. For more information, check out the following documentation site on metric naming here.

Step 1 - Create your Agent class

Every plugin should have one class that extends the SDK's Agent class. This can be thought of as the blueprint for whatever it is you are monitoring (e.g. if you are creating a plugin to monitor MS SQL instances you should create a single MSSQLAgent class that extends from Agent). There are three distinct things that must be done for each of your Agent subclasses:

  • Implement abstract properties and overload constructor
  • Override the GetAgentName() method
  • Override the PollCycle() method
Implement abstract properties and overload constructor

The only requirement for this step is that implement two well-defined properties to the base SDK Agent class' constructor:

  • GUID - This is a string field representing the unique identifier for your plugin. We highly recommend using package notation (i.e. com.mycompany.pluginname)
  • Version - This is a string field representing the version of your plugin which should follow the semantic versioning scheme (e.g. "1.2.3")

This is not a requirement, but we highly recommend overloading the constructor to take in any instance-specific fields to simplify Agent creation for Step 2.


    public override string Guid { get { return "com.yourorg.pluginname"; } }
    public override string Version { get { return "1.0.0"; } }
    public ExampleAgent(string name, string host, int port)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Host = host;
        this.Port = port;
Override the GetAgentName() method

This method determines the name that will appear in the New Relic UI for a given instance. Continuing the MS SQL analogy, you would likely use the hostname of each MS SQL Server you are monitoring to make things easy to trace.


    private string name;
    public ExampleAgent(string name, /* other fields */) {
    	this.Name = name;
    	// other initialization
    public string GetAgentName() {
       	return this.Name; 
Override the PollCycle() method

This method will be invoked once for each Agent per polling interval while your plugin is running. This is where your logic to gather and report metric values should live. For each metric value you'd like to report, simply call the ReportMetric() method within your PollCycle() code. After each Agent's PollCycle() method has been invoked all reported metrics will be sent to the New Relic service in a REST request.

The ReportMetric() method signature is the following:

	/// <summary>
    /// Registers a metric for this poll cycle that will be sent when all Agents complete their PollCycle.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="metricName">The name of the metric</param>
    /// <param name="units">The units of the metric</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value of the metric</param>
    public void ReportMetric(string metricName, string units, float value)


	// Initialize processors for each metric that is processed over time
	private IProcessor connectionsProcessor = new EpochProcessor();;
	private IProcessor bytesReadProcessor = new EpochProcessor();;
    public void PollCycle() {
        int numConnections = getNumConnections();
        int bytesRead = getNumberBytesRead();
        // Report two metrics for each value from the server, 
        // One for the plain scalar value and one that processes the value over time
        ReportMetric("Connections/Count", "connections", numConnections);
        ReportMetric("Connections/Rate", "connections/sec", connectionsProcessor.Process(numConnections));
        ReportMetric("BytesRead/Count", "bytes", bytesRead);
        ReportMetric("BytesRead/Rate", "bytes/sec", bytesReadProcessor.Process(bytesRead));

That's it, your Agent class is ready, now all you need to do is initialize them and set them up to run with the Runner!

Step 2 - Initialize your Agent instances

A plugin's value comes from the ability to dynamically configure instance information so it can be reused by others to monitor their infrastructure without code changes. This requires instance data to come from a configuration file, which was traditionally up to the plugin developer to define. In version 2 and later of the SDK, this information has been standardized into the 'plugin.json' file.

Working with the 'plugin.json' file

The 'plugin.json' (located in the '.\config' directory) file is used by all Platform Plugins to configure instance-specific information such as the hostnames you are going to monitor or the user/password combos to access them. The file is standard JSON and only requires that you have a root-level property named "agents" that contains an array of objects. Each object in that array should correspond to an instance of something you are monitoring. Essentially each JSON object in the "agents" array should have all the fields necessary to initialize an instance of your Agent class created in Step 1. You can pass whatever fields or create as many Agents as you'd like here.

Example 'plugin.json' file:

  "agents": [
      "name" : "AgentName1",
      "host" : "",
      "port" : 8080
      "name" : "AgentName2",
      "host" : "",
      "port" : 8081
Creating an AgentFactory class

Since all plugins require JSON configuration, it would be annoying for every plugin developer to have to rewrite the logic to parse a JSON file and initialize their Agents, so instead the SDK provides an AgentFactory class that you can use to automatically turn your JSON configuration into initialized Agents. Simply extend the AgentFactory class and override the CreateConfiguredAgent() method. When the SDK first starts, it will parse the 'plugin.json' file for you and map the JSON options into a dictionary of strings to objects that you can then use to initialize and return an instance of your Agent.


public override Agent CreateAgentWithConfiguration(IDictionary<string, object> properties)
    string name = (string)properties["name"];
    string host = (string)properties["host"];
    int port = (int)properties["port"];

    return new ExampleAgent(name, host, port);

Step 3 - Set up your Agents with the Runner

You're almost there! The last coding step is to create an instance of the Runner class and pass it your AgentFactory class. This part is very simple, and is best demonstrated through a code example (since most plugins should be identical for this step):

class Program
    static int Main(string[] args)
            Runner runner = new Runner();

            runner.Add(new ExampleAgentFactory()); 

        catch (Exception e)
           Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred, unable to continue.\n", e.Message);
           return -1;

        return 0;

Step 4 - Packaging and distribution

Traditionally plugin developers were responsible for deciding how to distribute their plugin. Everything from what compression format should be used to where should configuration files be located was up to each individual plugin author. This created a serious problem for plugin consumers since every new piece of infrastructure that they wanted to monitor required reading a lot of documentation around how to set that particular plugin up. Enter the New Relic Platform Installer (NPI) tool, a simple, light-weight command line utility that allows someone to easily download, configure and manage plugins. (Read more here).

In order to make your plugin NPI-compatible simply ensure the following:

  • Your plugin was written with the .NET SDK.
  • Your plugin is packaged using the tar.gz compression protocol.
  • Your executable program is named 'plugin.exe' and is located in the root of your plugin folder.
  • Plugin configuration is read from 'plugin.json' file in the '.\config'.
  • You do not use any relative references in your code.
  • Your plugin contains a 'plugin.template.json' and a 'newrelic.template.json' file in the '.\config' directory.

Once your plugin is NPI-compatible from a code perspective, place it somewhere that is accessible for consumers to download. Most customers add the compressed distributable to a 'dist' folder in their GitHub repository. From there, go through our publisher flow and be sure to mark your plugin for "NPI" distribution.

Next Steps

That's it, you've written your first plugin. If anything wasn't clear or you'd like a more in-depth code example, check out our example Wikipedia plugin.

Once you're comfortable with the plugin and you're ready to set up some dashboards check out this link for a detailed look at the publishing process.

Configuration Options

All plugins have two configuration files. One that is standard across all plugins containing information like New Relic License Key, logging information, or proxy settings, and one that is for plugin-specific configuration options. These configuration files both live within the config directory of a plugin.


The newrelic.json configuration file is where New Relic specific configuration lives.


  "license_key": "NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY"

Config Options

license_key - (required) the New Relic license key

log_level - (optional) the log level. Valid values: debug, info, warn, error, fatal. Defaults to info.

log_file_name - (optional) the log file name. Defaults to newrelic_plugin.log.

log_file_path - (optional) the log file path. Defaults to logs.

log_limit_in_kbytes - (optional) the log file limit in kilobytes. Defaults to 25600 (25 MB). If limit is set to 0, the log file size would not be limited.

proxy_host - (optional) the proxy host. Ex.

proxy_port - (optional) the proxy port. Ex. 8080. Defaults to 80 if a proxy_host is set.

proxy_username - (optional) the proxy username

proxy_password - (optional) the proxy password


The plugin.json configuration file is where plugin specific configuration lives. A registered AgentFactory will receive a map of key-value pairs from within the agents JSON section.


  "agents": [
      "name"       : "Localhost",
      "host"       : "localhost",
      "user"       : "username",
      "password"   : "password",
      "timeout"    : 5,
      "multiplier" : 1.5
  "categories": {
    "big": [1, 2, 3],
    "enabled": false


The SDK provides a simple logging framework that will log to both the console and to a configurable logging file. The logging configuration is managed through the newrelic.json file and the available options are outlined above in the Config Options section.

Example configuration:

  "log_level": "debug",
  "log_file_name": "newrelic_plugin.log",
  "log_file_path": "./path/to/logs/newrelic",
  "log_limit_in_kbytes": 1024

Note: All logging configuration options are optional.

Example usage:

using NewRelic.Platform.Sdk.Utils.Logger;
private static Logger s_log = Logger.GetLogger("ExampleClassName");
s_log.Debug("debug message");
s_log.Info("info message", "\tsecond message");
s_log.Error(new RuntimeException(), "error!");

For better visibility in logging, it is recommended to create one static Logger instance per class and reuse it.


Reach out to us at There you'll find documentation, FAQs, and forums where you can submit suggestions and discuss with staff and other users.

Also available is community support on IRC: we generally use #newrelic on

Find a bug? E-mail support @ New Relic, or post it to

Thank you!


You are welcome to send pull requests to us - however, by doing so you agree that you are granting New Relic a non-exclusive, non-revokable, no-cost license to use the code, algorithms, patents, and ideas in that code in our products if we so choose. You also agree the code is provided as-is and you provide no warranties as to its fitness or correctness for any purpose.