
Portfolio for Software Engineer built using React and Ionic

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Software Portfolio

This project allows you to build a Software Engineer Portfolio by offering pre-made components with a simple template schema. Built using React and Ionic Framework.


Live Demo

mobile demo



Download Node.js Note: This project requires Node v16.x

git clone https://github.com/sglass520/react-swe-portfolio.git
npm install
npm run start


Page Contents


  • data/AppData.ts Template for page contents and components.
  • data/AppMeta.ts Metadata for additional options or images.
  • data/Links.ts Defines links displayed in menu side bar and footer.
  • data/RedirectRoutes.ts Defines additional external global routes (i.e linkedin, github).


Components are added to the page template by modifying the appSections object which defines the list of components. The AppSections type has the following available properties.

Property Type Description
url string The user will be redirected to this section if navigates to this URL
iosIcon string Icon to show in menu sidebar for users on iOS devices
mdIcon string Icon to show in menu sidebar for users using Material theme
title string Title of the section to show in section header
divider boolean (optional) Shows the section divider. Default is true.
info string (optional) Shows an info icon with additional text. Default is false.
render ReactElement The component to display in the section


export const appSections: AppSection[] = [
    title: "Home",
    url: "/home",
    iosIcon: homeOutline,
    mdIcon: homeSharp,
    render: () =>
      React.createElement(IntroductionArea, {
    title: "Foo",
    url: "/foo",
    iosIcon: personOutline,
    mdIcon: personSharp,
    render: () =>
      React.createElement(AboutArea, {

A list of available components can be seen in the Components section of this document.


Theme colors, breakpoints, page effect toggles are all configurable from theme/globals.scss. Theme colors specific to Ionic Framework components are configurable from theme/variables.css.



A component to introduce yourself.

component demo

Component properties:

Property Type Description
topTitle string (optional) Title to show above name
name string Your name to show
subtitle string Subtitle to show below name
description string Additional text to show under subtitle
buttons List[IntroductionButton] Buttons to show in section

IntroductionButton properties:

Property Type Description
text string Text of the button
iosIcon string Icon to show in button for iOS platform
color string Icon to show in button for Material platform
link string Button link


A component to give more info about yourself with text, pictures, and your skills.

component demo

Component properties:

Property Type Description
reverse string (optional) Reverses columns the component
text string Text to display in component
img string Path of image to display
skills List[AboutSkills] Skills to display
favoriteSkills List[FavoriteSkills] (optional) Display favorite skills

AboutSkills properties:

Property Type Description
text string The text of skill
color string Color of the skill object
icon string (optional) Icon for the skill

FavoriteSkills properties:

Property Type Description
text string The text of skill
img string Image to represent the skill


A component to highlight your most important projects.

component demo

Component properties:

Property Type Description
columns number Number of columns of projects to display before overflowing to new row
projects List[FeaturedProjectsObject] Projects to display

FeaturedProjectsObject properties:

Property Type Description
img string (optional) Path of image to show for project
title string Title of the project
subtitle string Subtitle to display for project
description string Description of the project
link string (optional) Link for project
tags List[FeaturedProjectTags] (optional) Tags for project

FeaturedProjectTags properties:

Property Type Description
name string Name of the tag
color string Color of the tag
icon string (optional) Icon for the tag


A component to showcase all of your projects.

component demo

Property Type Description
layout List[DynamicLayout] Object to define responsive table layout of projects
projects List[ProjectsObject] Projects to display in component

DynamicLayout properties:

Property Type Description
minWidth number (optional) Minimum width (px) for the specified columns to be displayed. If no specified, then it becomes default.
columns number Number of columns to display for associated width (px)

ProjectsObject properties:

Property Type Description
img string (optional) Path of image to display for project
imgType "img" | "icon (optional) Specifies if image is an icon or image.
title string Title of the project
links List[ProjectLinks] (optional) Links for project
description string Description of the project
link string (optional) If clicking on project redirects you to specified link
tags List[ProjectTags] (optional) Specify tags for project
ribbon ProjectRibbon (optional) Specify a ribbon banner for project

ProjectLinks properties:

Property Type Description
iosIcon string Icon to show for iOS platforms
mdIcon string Icon to show for Material theme platforms
link string Link url

ProjectTags properties:

Property Type Description
name string Name of the tag
color string (optional) Color of the tag. Default is primary.
icin string (optional) Icon for the tag

ProjectRibbon properties:

Property Type Description
background string Background color of the ribbon
color string Text color in the ribbon
contentType "text" | "icon" Specify if ribbon is going to contain text or be an icon
content string Content for ribbon. Either text or an icon.


A component to render a timeline which can be used to show your work history.

component demo

Component properties:

Property Type Description
alternate boolean (optional) If true, timeline cards will alternate sides. Otherwise, all cards will be on same side of timeline. Default is true.
side "left" | "right" (optional) If alternate is true, this sets the starting side. If alternate is false, this sets the side of card contents.
items List[TimelineObject] Timeline content cards

TimelineObject properties:

Property Type Description
subtitle string Subtitle of timeline item
title string Title of timeline item
undertitle string Additional text under the title
description string (optional) Description for the timeline item


A component to show your contact information.

Component properties:

Property Type Description
text string Text to display in component
buttons List[ContactButton] (optional) Buttons to display in component

ContactButton properties:

Property Type Description
text string Text of the button
iosIcon string Icon to show in button for iOS platform
color string Icon to show in button for Material platform
link string Button link