
Doorbell made using ESPHome with a TTGO T-Camera

MIT LicenseMIT


Affordable and easy to make video doorbell for Home Assistant using ESPHome!

Buy Me A Coffee


  • No cloud services needed
  • Made with ESPHome which makes it easy to code and modify for your needs
  • Illuminated button which makes it easy to see where to press
  • Display which can display your households name or anything really
  • Fisheye lens which gives a wide feild of view
  • Native camera stream into Home Assistant Core
  • Other powerful possibilities with Home Assisntant Core

Parts needed

Part Price Comment
LILYGO TTGO T-Camera ESP32 15$ Get the fisheye option!
Illuminated Momentary Button 1$ Needs to be 12 mm. Pick the color you like. 12V
M3 x 16mm idk
4 chord wire idk A regular Ethernet cable would do
12V PSU idk I'm sure you have something laying around.
3.3V PSU idk

Since I ended up having much of what I needed already laying around, I do not have a completely full bill of materials. But 16$ + some idk = approx 20$?



Follow the connection diagram and solder the wires as follows. One note is that you have to mount the button in the case before you solder everything.

IRL examples


  • Print the parts and assemble your ESP32 in it.
  • Unscrew the fisheye lens before you put the board into the front piece, and screw it back on again.
  • Fasten the button.
  • Thread the cable though the wall where you want to mount your doorbell and thread the cable through the back piece. I tried to seal things off a bit by filling the gap in the back piece with a glue gun.
  • Mount the back piece where you want your doorbell.
  • Make the final connections and fasten the front part of the doorbell to the back piece using the M3 screws. As you can see I used dupont wires to make connecting and disconnecting easy

Home Assistant Scripts

When the doorbell gets pressed a number of scripts gets activated.

  • TTS gets sent to the Google Homes
  • Our phones gets a notification
  • A snapshot is taken and saved
  • Selected lights flash blue to notify us visually


This project is to be considered as a work in progress.

The 3D-printed parts is not a finalized version, and should be improved. I welcome anyone to remix the designs and make this project better.

This revision of the ESPHome-VideoDoorbell is more of a proof of concept. All the pictures were taken the summer of 2019, and the doorbell has survived the Norwegian winter in Trondheim untill now. I haven't even fastened the front piece to the back piece, but it has still survived.

Things to improve

  • 3D models should be improved. The back piece should have room for threaded inserts.
  • The push button should be a 3.3V (or something around that) so that the wire going to the doorbell only needs two chords. Then you would also only need one PSU instead of a seperate 12V just for the button.
  • The push button should be a slimmer design. This enables the 3D models to be slimmer and have a lower profile.
  • Some sort of sealing around the exposed parts of the ESP


Example screenshot of notification