- 10
Flat oneofs with type union
#1145 opened by deser - 0
- 0
- 3
Support Connect RPC client
#1157 opened by StevenACoffman - 1
Option to generate types instead of interfaces
#1158 opened by jeffrey-ng - 3
Import issue with expo app on 2.x
#1155 opened by ctriley - 1
- 3
- 2
Latest releases missing in buf registry
#1152 opened by mdomke - 3
Allow generated affixes for messages only or enums only
#1151 opened by alextsg - 1
Support option fields
#1150 opened by randy75828 - 4
It seems that outputEncodeIncludeTypes and outputDecodeIncludeTypes in opt are not working properly.
#1144 opened by Bloomingg - 5
Feature Request: add options to limit generating encode and decode methods to only specific message types
#1084 opened by akrennmair - 4
Code generated by ts-proto 2.4.2 cannot compile with TypeScript >= 5.6 with error `Type 'Buffer' is not assignable to type 'Uint8Array'`
#1143 opened by ddadaal - 1
google.protobuf.Value NullValue is replaced by undefined in fromPartial method of parent message
#1137 opened by simonenkoav - 6
[Performance] Very long Typescript compile time
#1135 opened by moufmouf - 1
@improbable-eng/grpc-web is deprecated
#1139 opened by anthony-dandrea - 9
- 4
Support for reading the raw bytes of a message
#1130 opened by zakhenry - 7
Support for comments in oneof fields
#1122 opened by sefaphlvn - 2
- 1
using `--ts_proto_opt=useJsonName=true` breaks generated code for `google/protobuf/struct.proto`
#1125 opened by srliao - 1
- 7
Nested message named "Function" now ends up as *_FunctionMessage in generated ts.
#1121 opened by jdillon - 0
Long to number exception in protobuf maps
#1128 opened by Renat060888 - 5
Add support for reserved message names.
#1110 opened by halkeye - 2
- 1
@bufbuild/protobuf as peerDependency
#1120 opened by dglazkoff - 3
Feature request: Deduplicate helpers and helper types across multiple generated files
#1109 opened by absidue - 6
- 2
`interface Rpc` not exported in service definition
#1107 opened by marcaddeo - 1
- 1
`yarn proto2ts` fails on Node 22
#1114 opened by vecerek - 4
Error "illegal buffer" on decoding (deno)
#1103 opened by samuelsiv - 2
Feature request: virtual oneof property
#1099 opened by paskozdilar - 6
- 8
google.protobuf.Struct always empty
#1106 opened by CaioF - 1
Solution for streaming to a file?
#1105 opened by td-krzysiek - 3
ts-proto needs to rev ts-proto-descriptors version so no protobufjs packages install
#1101 opened by jereklas - 0
- 1
Protoc throwing "basic_string::_M_construct null not valid" when trying to generate types
#1095 opened by pietruszka123 - 2
When properties of an object are empty, empty buffer is returned from encode()
#1092 opened by scottburch - 3
v2.0.2 missing package.json
#1093 opened by rfenlon - 7
protoc-gen-ts_proto no longer points to the correct plugin location in version 2.0.0
#1090 opened by harrychap - 2
Bug in toJSON Function with `removeEnumPrefix=true` and `unrecognizedEnumValue=0` Option Combination
#1086 opened by kanziw - 5
docs: make a table of all available arguments in readme
#1088 opened by atassis - 2
feat: Provide configuration via file
#1087 opened by atassis - 2
grpc client receive date wrong with grpc server create by nestjs and type orm
#1082 opened by kuribo001 - 1
Unclear documentation for a NestJS stream handling
#1081 opened by muturgan - 0