
A simple recent tweets widget (and shortcode)

Primary LanguagePHP


This is the code from an upcoming wp.tuts+ tutorial:

To use it just add it to your plug-in folder.


  • 'Recent Tweets' widget

  • 'Recent Tweets' shortcode: e.g [wptuts_twitter screen_name="stephenharris88" count=5 published_when=1 include_rts=1 ]

The settings for the widget / shortcode are:

  • sreen_name: Twitter screen name

  • count: number of tweets to retrieve

  • published_when: 1| 0 - whether to show when the tweet was published (true =1, false =0)

  • include_rts: 1| 0 - whether to include retweets (true =1, false =0)


Stephen Harris http://profiles.wordpress.org/stephenh1988/

Github: https://github.com/stephenh1988