
A decompilation of Super Smash Bros Melee brought to you by a bunch of clever folks.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Super Smash Bros Melee

This repo contains a WIP decompilation of Super Smash Bros Melee (US).


The DOL this repository builds can be shifted! Meaning you are able to now
add and remove code as you see fit, for modding or research purposes.

It builds the following DOL: v1.02 - main.dol: sha1: 08e0bf20134dfcb260699671004527b2d6bb1a45


Required tools

  • devkitPro
  • Python3 (pacman -S msys/python3)
  • gcc (pacman -S gcc)


  1. Download GC_WII_COMPILERS.zip from (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/727918646525165659/917185027656286218/GC_WII_COMPILERS.zip) and extract the GC compilers to tools/mwcc_compiler/.
  2. Run the make command


Gamecube/Wii Decompilation Discord: https://discord.gg/hKx3FJJgrV

Contributions and PRs are welcome.