
Share Envirnonment Variables Securely

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Share Environment Variables Securely

EnvShare is a simple tool to share environment variables securely. It uses AES-CBC to encrypt your data before sending it to the server. The encryption key never leaves your browser.


  • Shareable Links: Share your environment variables securely by sending a link
  • End-to-End Encryption: AES-CBC encryption is used to encrypt your data before sending it to the server
  • Limit number of reads: Limit the number of times a link can be read
  • Auto Expire: Automatically expire links and delete data after a certain time

Built with

Deploy your own

Detailed instructions can be found here

All you need is a Redis database on Upstash and a Vercel account. Click the button below to clone and deploy:

Deploy with Vercel