- 4
- 0
#2076 opened by v6 - 2
Method Not Allowed (GET): /admin/logout/
#2072 opened by molokov - 2
- 2
Avoid SQL update on blog post view
#1963 opened by leoholz - 7
Point documentation links to Read the Docs
#2030 opened by jerivas - 3
- 15
- 0
[REQUEST] Django 4.2 compatibility
#2058 opened by hodunov - 5
- 2
- 1
[REQUEST] support Django 4.0 and/or DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD set to django.db.models.BigAutoField
#2039 opened by go8ose - 3
[REQUEST] <title>Link Not Working
#2053 opened by AyeshaIrshad1337 - 1
- 0
- 1
"View on site" links don't respect dev server port
#2043 opened by ccurvey - 3
[BUG] 'Cart' instance needs to have a primary key value before this relationship can be used.
#2045 opened by Wladislav - 1
Menus do not include links from secondary menus that use the same template
#1968 opened by petedermott - 3
- 1
[BUG] SitePermissionUserAdminForm: Verifying that a User with the same email already exists, use exists instead of get.
#2018 opened by ytyng - 1
[BUG] Docs about themes link to cybersquatted domain
#2022 opened by toobaz - 2
- 2
[BUG] `set_dynamic_settings` always sets the MySQL test database collation to `utf8_general_ci`
#2016 opened by gabriellesc - 1
- 6
[BUG] cannot import name 'url' from 'django.conf.urls'
#2008 opened by tswfi - 2
[BUG] pytz not defined as a requirement, thus "quick start" instructions on homepage fail
#2007 opened by tswfi - 2
- 5
- 7
- 4
Django 3 - "ifinstalled" filter not working
#1972 opened by rantecki - 2
- 3
template tag 'overextends' no longer works in Django 2.2, as the 'load_template_source' method has been removed
#1974 opened by molokov - 7
Fabric < 2.0 requirement creates Python 2.7 dependency
#1957 opened by jmorsecode - 3
Small typo in mezzanine/core/
#1953 opened by timgates42 - 1
Problem editing Subsite
#1945 opened by Sirman13 - 1
unable to upload Featured image in blog to aws s3
#1960 opened by ramachandramahale97 - 4
- 0
Mezzanine admin requires csp unsafe-inline
#1961 opened by rapto - 15
"python createdb" from installation instructions throws exception
#1973 opened by whiteneck - 3
- 2
Please use versionned shebang for bin scripts
#1996 opened by niol - 2
How to serve different home page for different domains?
#1993 opened by zzm88 - 1
Documentation out of date
#1991 opened by jp-larose - 1
Win10, pip install retrogrades Jango to 1.11.29, then when creating myproject, ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django.utils.importlib'
#1990 opened by aarek-eng - 3
dumpdata not working on latest commit (Django 2.2.1)
#1977 opened by dbeltra - 2
Pillow pinned to insecure version
#1985 opened by gherkz - 1
how to configure multiple sites with ssl certificate?
#1981 opened by zzm88 - 1
How can i use google adsense?
#1970 opened by saileshkush95 - 3
TokenType not found with Django 1.11
#1965 opened by jonathan-chao-artivest - 2
Maintaining a fork
#1944 opened by khadegd