
A asp.net-mvc HtmlHelper extension method and jquery plug-in for creating a numeric input control that displays the formatted value of the property

Primary LanguageC#



A asp.net-mvc HtmlHelper extension method and jquery plug-in for creating a numeric input control that displays the formatted value of the property in accordance with the properties type and any [DataType] or [DisplayFormat] attributes. When focussed, the formatted value is overlaid with an <input> element that allows only valid entry (digits, decimal separator and negative sign) in accordance with the server culture.


public int Quantity { get; set; } with en-AU (Australia) culture


[DataType(DataType.Currency)] public decimal Price { get; set; } with fr-FR (France) culture


[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:P1}")] public decimal Rate { get; set; } with tr-TR (Turkey) culture


How it works

The extension method generates a parent <div> element containing data-* attributes that describe how the raw input value should be formatted based on the server culture. The parent contains a <div> for the formatted value and an overlaid transparent text <input>.

The jQuery plugin handles the

  • .focus() and .blur() events to toggle the transparency of the <input> and generate the formated value
  • .keypress() event to allow only valid input (digits, decimal separator and negative sign)

The plugin also provides an option for rounding the raw input


To generate the html

@Html.NumericInputFor(m => m.PropertyName)

where PropertyName is a numeric data type (int, float, double decimal etc)

To attach the plug-in


or to round values

    rounding: 0.25

To do

  • Add parameter for html attributes
  • Support for Bootstrap