Webpack + TypeScript + SASS Starter


A simple starter project for personal use.

Some features:

  • Runs a dev server with auto reload.
  • Uses webpack to bundle index.html, .ts, .scss, and assets folder in /dist.
  • Supports paths in tsconfig.json for relative imports.
  • ESLint and TS rules have some personal preferences, but can be easily tweaked.
  • Some minimal scaffolding in /src that you can modify or remove.
  • No additional tools or frameworks, leaving you free to choose your own.


First clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/stephenniemans/webpack-typescript-sass-starter.git

Remove the origin:

git remote rm origin

Install dependencies:

npm install

Development Server

To start the development server with auto-reloading:

npm start

By default, the development server will be run on: http://localhost/8080

To use a different port, change the value in webpack.config.js:

  // webpack.config.js
  devServer: {
    port: 8080 // <- Change this value


To generate a bundle in the dist folder:

npm run build

To reinstall all dependencies and rebuild:

npm run rebuild


To run Eslint:

npm run lint


npm run build