Experiment Objectives :

  • Filtering the false signals and spikes based on Geometric approach.
  • Finding an Optimum Geometric pattern. (Rule based - Non-ML)


  • Find the angle of cross over between the flip ( flat angle considered as consolidation)
  • Find the slope of bar which is responsible for the Cross, the steepness filter cuts out most pattern responsible for failure.
  • Comparing the height of sslUp and sslDown the bar on cross and previous (added logic to filter out based on the difference of height)


  • SSL period is set to 3, (which is more responsive and generates more signals)

Initial Observation

  • Tested against all major pairs, without any additional setup, the accuracy is 45%

Aim of the Experiment

  • To improve the accuracy to 75+%
  • To Find one or two pattern (geometrical), less prone to failures, and not impact the accuracy.


Will be updated...