
Ansible automation for Provisioning OpenShift Container Platform clusters

Primary LanguagePython

CASL Ansible

Automation of OpenShift 3 using Ansible

Provisioning Quickstart

Local Setup (one time, only)

In addition to cloning this repo, you'll need the following:

  • Access to an OpenStack environment using an OpenStack RC File
    • File should be placed at ~/.config/openstack/openrc.sh

NOTE: OpenStack environment currently requires Heat to be enabled, and the user must have the heat_stack_owner role assigned.

  • A Key-pair created in OpenStack
  • Docker installed (yum install -y docker on RHEL/Centos, dnf install docker -y on Fedora)
    • If you plan to run docker as yourself (non-root), your username must be added to the docker user group.
  • An ~/.ansible.cfg file containing the following:
filter_plugins= /usr/share/ansible_plugins/filter_plugins:/root/repository/openshift-ansible/filter_plugins
host_key_checking = False
  • Clone this, and dependent openshift-ansible repositories into the same directory
cd ~/src/
git clone git@github.com:redhat-cop/casl-ansible.git
  • Copy casl-ansible/inventory/sample.casl.example.com.d/inventory/clouds.yaml to ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml

  • Download/untar openshift-ansible for use as part of the install. Make sure to do so within the same directory as above (i.e.: ~/src), and either rename the directory to openshift-ansible or create symlink to it (see example below). See table below for versions / urls to be used for the download. Note that other versions may work as well, but these are the ones we have tested and found to be stable. Feel free to submit PRs with updated versions as they are found to be functional.

(hint right-click the openshift-ansible version number in the table below and copy the URL)

wget <url> -O - | tar -xz
ln -fs openshift-ansible-*<version>* openshift-ansible
openshift-ansible url OpenShift version
3.4.50-1 OCP 3.4

Cool! Now you're ready to provision OpenShift clusters

Provision a Cluster

To start, we'll provision the sample.casl.example.com cluster defined in the casl-ansible/inventory directory.

Note: It is recommended that you use a different inventory by duplicating the sample.casl.example.com.d directory and keep it elsewhere. In that way, you can update/remove/change your casl-ansble directory without losing your inventory. It may take some time to get the inventory just right, hence it is very beneficial to keep it around for future use without having to redo everything.

The following is just an example on how the sample.casl.example.com inventory can be used:

  1. Edit casl-ansible/inventory/sample.casl.example.com.d/inventory/hosts and edit the # OpenStack Provisioning Variables and # Subscription Management sections at the top to match your environment/project/tenant. See comments in the file for more detailed information on how to fill these in.

  2. Start the openstack-client container.

cd ~/src/casl-ansible/docker/control-host-openstack
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it <container-name> bash

Note: If you see an error saying that there are no config/*.sh files, try temporarily disabling SELinux (sudo setenforce 0) and running a new container.

  1. Run the end-to-end provisioning playbook
ansible-playbook -i /root/repository/casl-ansible/inventory/sample.casl.example.com.d/inventory /root/repository/casl-ansible/playbooks/openshift/end-to-end.yml -e openstack_ssh_public_key=<your_ssh_key_name>

The openstack_ssh_public_key variable at the end should specify the name of your OpenStack keypair (openstack keypair list).

Updating a Cluster

Once provisioned, a cluster may be adjusted/reconfigured as needed by updating inventory and re-running the end-to-end.yml playbook.

Scaling Up and Down

A cluster's Infra and App nodes may be scaled up and down by editing the following parameters in the hosts or all.yml files


and then re-running the playbook.

ansible-playbook -i /root/repository/casl-ansible/inventory/sample.casl.example.com.d/inventory /root/repository/casl-ansible/playbooks/openshift/end-to-end.yml