Behold my latest inator! Generate files full of random bytes. Good for tests.
npm install -g fileinator
You can use the fileinator as a command line tool or as a library. To use as a command line tool:
fileinator make 10gb ./bigfile
To use as a library, first install locally:
npm install --save fileinator
and then enjoy...
const fileinator = require('../lib/fileinator');
const sizeParser = require('filesize-parser');
const size = sizeParser("20mb");
const path = "./data.dat";
fileinator.writeFile(size, path)
.on('progress', (data) => {
console.log(`${data.bytesWritten} of ${size} written`);
}).on('done', () => {
console.log(`Complete: ${path}`);
See more in the examples.
Feel free to submit an issue on the repository, or find me at @JustinBeckwith