UC Presidential Election Results By House

We used data Neel collected on UC presidential candidates since 2005. We then found the houses for each of the candidates (both presidential and vice presidential). Though this dataset is small, we still have a few interesting findings. According to the Crimson, in 2007, no one had ever won the UC presidential election without prior UC experience. Since 2005, with only one exception, if a candidate from the Quad with UC experience runs, they always win (unless there's another Quad-UC candidate). However, only one of the 12 VP winners has come from the Quad! All (1) of Dudley's presidential candidates have won! Since 2005, Dunster, Winthrop, Eliot, and Lowell have never had a winning presidential candidate. Similarly, Adams, Cabot, Currier, Eliot, and Winthrop have never had a winning VP candidate. Finally, Since 2005, only 1 presidential candidate and 1 VP candidate (who ran in the same year) without UC experience has won the presidency. All in all, this is a small dataset, so this doesn't prove anything, but it may serve as an additional indicator for us if traditional signs like polls or social media are close.