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Produce and Consume messages through Service Bus, Event Hubs, and Storage Queues with Azure Functions
Uses Durable Functions' fan out pattern to load N messages across M sessions in to Service Bus, Event Hubs, or Storage Queues.

Produce & Consume messages through Service Bus, Event Hubs, and Storage Queues with Durable Functions

This sample shows how to utilize Durable Functions' fan out pattern to load an arbitrary number of messages across any number of sessions/partitions in to Service Bus, Event Hubs, or Storage Queues. It also adds the ability to consume those messages with another Azure Function and load the resulting timing data in to another Event Hub for ingestion in to analytics services like Azure Data Explorer.

Note: Please use the sample.local.settings.json file as the baseline for local.settings.json when testing this sample locally.

Service Bus

POST /api/PostToServiceBusQueue HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

  "NumberOfSessions": 2,
  "NumberOfMessagesPerSession": 2

Will post two messages across two sessions to the Service Bus queue specified by the ServiceBusConnection and ServiceBusQueueName settings in your local.settings.json file or - when published to Azure - the Function App's application settings.

Event Hubs

POST /api/PostToEventHub HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

  "NumberOfMessagesPerPartition": 2

Will post two messages across per partition to the Event Hub specified by the EventHubConnection and EventHubName settings in your local.settings.json file or - when published to Azure - the Function App's application settings.

The number of messages per partition will differ by no more than 1. Which means that at any given point of time, if the number of messages expected to be sent per partition is say x, then you can expect that there may be some partitions with number of messages x+1 and some with number of messages x-1.

Event Hubs Kafka

POST /api/PostToEventHubKafka HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

  "NumberOfMessagesPerPartition": 2

Will post two messages per partition of the Event Hub specified by the EventHubKafkaConnection, EventHubKafkaName and EventHubKafkaFQDN settings in your local.settings.json file or - when published to Azure - the Function App's application settings. The number of messages per partition will differ by no more than 1. Which means that at any given point of time, if the number of messages expected to be sent per partition is say x, then you can expect that there may be some partitions with number of messages x+1 and some with number of messages x-1. The Event Hubs Kafka sample just has producer at this point. You can observe the messages coming in using Azure Monitor from the portal.

Storage Queues

POST /api/PostToStorageQueue HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

  "NumberOfMessages": 2

Will post two messages to the Storage Queue specified by the StorageQueueConnection and StorageQueueName settings in your local.settings.json file or - when published to Azure - the Function App's application settings.


Fan out/in

This sample utilizes Durable Functions fan out/in pattern to produce messages in parallel across the sessions/partitions you specify. For this reason, pay close attention to the DFTaskHubName application setting if you put it in the same Function App as other Durable Function implementation.

Message content

The content for each message is not dynamic at this time. It is simply stored in the messagecontent.txt file and posted as the content for each message in every scenario. If you wish to make the content dynamic, you can do so by changing the code in each scenario's Functions.cs file of the Producer project.


This project comes out of a customer engagement whereby we wanted to see how long it would take messages loaded in to a Service Bus queue across thousands of sessions to be processed in FIFO order per session.

Deploy to Azure

You can deploy the solution in this repo directly to Azure by simply executing deploy.ps1 from PowerShell. You'll need to have Azure PowerShell installed and your Azure Subscription ID handy. Upon completion, your subscription will have a new Resource Group (you'll name this when you execute deploy.ps1) with:

  • Service Bus Standard namespace with a sample queue
  • Event Hub Basic namespace
    • A collector hub w/ 32 partitions - this is where each consumer posts messages when they consume from their source
    • A sample hub with 32 partitions - this is where the Producer will post messages for the EH scenario
  • Event Hub Standard namespace with Kafka enabled
    • A sample hub with 32 partitions - this is where the Producer will post messages using Kafka protocol for the EH-Kafka scenario
  • Azure Data Explorer Dev instance ingesting data from the above Event Hub
  • Azure Storage instance for use by the Durable Functions and the Storage Queue producer/consumer paths (sample queue created)
  • 1 Azure Function app with the Producer Function code
    • Application settings set to the connection strings of the Service Bus, Event Hub, and Azure Storage
  • 1 Azure Function app with the Consumer Function code
    • Application settings set to the connection strings of the Service Bus, Event Hub, and Azure Storage

Note: The deployment script sets up an initial deploy from GitHub to the created Function Apps. If you wish to change any behavior of this sample, you will need to manually publish your changes after first deploying the sample. Additionally, any subsequent executions of deploy.ps1 will reset the code to the state of master in this repo.

Upon successful deployment you'll be given the HTTP POST URLs for each of the Producer endpoints. Using the sample payloads earlier in this Readme, you'll get a response like:

    "TestRunId": "b5f4b4ef-75db-4586-adc0-b66da97a6545"

Then, head to your Data Explorer (the window you ran queries within during deployment) and execute the following query to see the results of your run:


Note: It can take up to 5 minutes for data to be ingested & show up in Azure Data Explorer

to retrieve all of the rows in the ingestion table. You should then see something like this:

You can use the content of Properties to get more detailed data. Try this query:

| extend Duration = make_timespan(MessageProcessedTime - Properties.ClientEnqueueTimeUtc)
| summarize AvgIndividualProcessTime = avg(Duration), RunStartTime = min(make_datetime(Properties.ClientEnqueueTimeUtc)), RunEndTime = max(MessageProcessedTime) by TestRun, Trigger
| extend TotalRuntime = (RunEndTime - RunStartTime)
| project-away RunStartTime, RunEndTime

This will show you the average processing time for an individual message in the test run, and then the overall time for the entire test run to complete. You can limit to a specific test run by adding a where filter:

| where TestRun = 'b5f4b4ef-75db-4586-adc0-b66da97a6545'
| extend Duration = make_timespan(MessageProcessedTime - Properties.ClientEnqueueTimeUtc)
| summarize AvgIndividualProcessTime = avg(Duration), RunStartTime = min(make_datetime(Properties.ClientEnqueueTimeUtc)), RunEndTime = max(MessageProcessedTime) by TestRun, Trigger
| extend TotalRuntime = (RunEndTime - RunStartTime)
| project-away RunStartTime, RunEndTime