
Node Amazon-like storefront CLI with MySQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bamazon is a Node.js and SQL command line app with an Amazon-like storefront and separate customer, manager and executive facing applications. The app uses a database of products and takes in orders from customers, which depletes stock from the store's inventory. Managers and executives can add more products to different departments and track profit.


Clone this repo to your desktop and run npm install to install its 4 dependencies.

  • mySQL: A node.js driver for mysql

  • Colors: Used to generate colored text in the console

  • Inquirer: Used to prompt users to guess a letter in the word

  • Console.table: A method that prints an array of objects as a table in console

Set Up

Once you are in the Bamazon repository, run the following code in the command line to create the Bamazon database and the Products and Departments tables.

  • mysql -u root -p

  • source products.sql

  • source departments.sql

  • exit

Then use your text editor of choice to update each file (customer.js, manager.js, and exec.js) with your mysql password.

    • screen shot 2016-10-31 at 7 27 14 pm


  • Run node customer.js to start the customer facing Bamazon app

  • Customers are shown the Products table and can purchase products by ID. The customer can buy up to the quantity of product in stock.

  • After a purchase the Products database is updated to reflect new stock quantities.

    • screen shot 2016-10-31 at 7 42 59 pm


Run node manager.js to start the manager facing Bamazon app. Managers can do 4 different things:

  1. View Products for Sale

    • See the same full products table that customers see
  2. View Low Inventory (less than 50 products in Stock)

    • See a table that only includes products that have less than 50 in stock
  3. Add to Inventory

    • Increase the stock of current products by ID
  4. Add a New Product

    • Create a new product with a specified price and stock quantity in an existing department and add it to the Products table


Run node exec.js to start the executive facing Bamazon app. Executives can do 2 different things:

  1. View Product Sales by Department

    • The Departments table combines product sales by department for total department sales.

    • Every department has a specified overhead cost.

    • Department profits are calculated as (SALES - OVERHEAD COST)

  2. Create New Department

    • Name the new department and specify the overhead cost. Total sales starts at $0 and total profit will be negative.

    • Now managers can create new products in this department and then customers will be able to buy the products.

    • screen shot 2016-10-31 at 9 34 18 pm