Unit 4 Homework
This is a timer-based quiz application built from scratch that stores high scores client-side in order to fulfil requirements for Unit 4 Homework. The goal of this project was to implement DOM manipulation, local storage, and responsiveness.
Access the code via the GitHub repository here: [GitHub Repository] (https://github.com/stephmarie17/unit-4-homework)
Access the live site via GitHub Pages here: GitHub Pages
To play the game, click on Start Game. This will initialize a game timer and launch the questions.
When the player clicks on an answer button, an alert will tell them if it was correct or incorrect. If an answer is incorrect, the player will lose 10 seconds from their timer.
If a player completes all questions or if the timer runs out, the player will be alerted to their final score and taken to an end of quiz screen. Here, the player can enter their initials to store their score.
At the top left corner, players can click to view the score leaderboard.