
Straightup is a skeleton for quickly starting a new static site utilizing Gulp, Bower, BrowserSync, SASS, Bourbon, Neat, Bitters and yeoman.

Primary LanguageCSS


Straightup is a skeleton for quickly starting a new static site. Gulp to concatenate and minify JS files, compress images, compile SASS, recompile assets when changes are detected, and a few other useful helpers. It also runs BrowserSync so you can see your changes instantly across multiple devices. Straightup utilizes Bower to grab front-end libraryies like jQuery. Yeoman scaffolds the application, by writing the Culp configuraltion and pulling our Gulp tasks and Bower dependencies. Straightup comes packaged with Bourbon + Neat + Bitters, providing you with plenty of mixins and variables/extends to give you a jump start on your site.

Installing Dependencies

You need to have Node JS, Yeoman, Bower, and Gulp installed for the dependencies to work. Installers for Node JS can be found here.

Installing Yeoman:

npm install -g yo

Installing Bower:

npm install -g bower

Installing Gulp:

npm install -g gulp

Installing Project

cd into your project folder and run the following commands

bower install
npm install

Watching files and running a dev server

gulp serve

This will run a server for the project that can be accessed at http://localhost:9000. Changes to files will tell Gulp to automatically rebuild the site. Gulp will also run and compile SASS to CSS , and compile JS when it detects changes to any of these types of files.

Building the site


This command will compile all assets, compress images, and compile/minify JS and then build the site to the /dist directory. This directory can then be pushed to your remote site.