
Question about direct complements

Closed this issue · 7 comments

azr commented

first of all : nice one on making the bundle better it's getting great !

I have a little question, when for example :

    $actionManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.action_manager');
    $subject       = $actionManager->findOrCreateComponent('\User', 'chucknorris');
    $action        = $actionManager->create($subject, 'control', array('directComplement' => 'the world' ));

'the world' supposed to be an entity, right ? ( or a sort of same thing as the subject ? )

In my case I'd like to see what happened to the world.

When I go to see chuck norris facts I can see that he does control the world but when I check on the worlds timeline : nothing.

How could I do that ?

Thanks !


Thank you ;)

To have the behavior you expect, you have to change some things. First point, if you define array('directComplement' => 'the world'). It consider directComplement as a text, not a component, so you' ll not be able to fetch all actions where the world was used.

Then, you should do that:

$actionManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.action_manager');
$subject       = $actionManager->findOrCreateComponent('\User', 'chucknorris');
$world         = $actionManager->findOrCreateComponent('\Object', 'theworld');
$action        = $actionManager->create($subject, 'control', array('directComplement' => $world));

// here when you'll update action, it'll deploy on `subject` action (if you config on_subject is setted to true).

You have to define a spread which will deploy to the world. You can define a global spread which will deploy actions on each components used on action. Example:

class MySpread implements SpreadInterface
    public function supports(ActionInterface $action)
        return true;

    public function process(ActionInterface $action, EntryCollection $coll)
          foreach ($action->getActionComponents() as $actionComponent) {
             if ($actionComponent->isText()) {
                   $coll->add(new Entry($actionComponent->getComponent()));


I hope it's clearer, if you have any question, you're welcome :)

In other words, to deploy an action to a component, you have to define spreads ;) By default, it deploy only on subject.

I close the issue, if you have any question, reopen it :)

azr commented

Okay understood, thank you very much :)

azr commented

Okay I have a new question : ( sorry can't reopen the issue no reopen button )

In my case $theWorld is an entity of my orm so I will need to get the entity with worldManager::findById( $componentIdenfitier ). ( not sure if there is a better one ).

And then ask the entity who is registered to it.

The problem is that this getter is a lazy loader so if I do a get class on the returned user I get a 'Proxies\__CG__\MG\UserBundle\Entity\User'

which throwed a Fatal error: Call to a member function expr() on a non-object in Spy\TimelineBundle\Driver\ORM\ActionManager->findComponents( )

So I managed to get the real class using

ClassUtils::getRealClass( get_class( $user ) )

But I still get this error with

Variables in local scope (#23)

$hashes = array
  'MG\UserBundle\Entity\User#s:1:"1";' => string 'MG\UserBundle\Entity\User#s:1:"1";' (length=34)

$qb = Undefined

Not sure what's happenning ?

azr commented

Okay that was just fixed :D

That was my fault and it is fixed. Component manager supports proxies.
Sorry for inconvenience.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 27 déc. 2012 à 19:55, Azer- a écrit :

Okay I have a new question :

In my case $theWorld is an entity of my orm so I will need to get the
entity with worldManager::findById( $componentIdenfitier ). ( not sure if
there is a better one ).

And then ask the entity who is registered to it.

The problem is that this getter is a lazy loader so if I do a get class on
the returned user I get a 'Proxies__CG__\MG\UserBundle\Entity\User'

which throwed a Fatal error: Call to a member function expr() on a

So I managed to get the real class using

ClassUtils::getRealClass( get_class( $user ) )

But I still get this error in


Variables in local scope (#23)

$hashes = array
'MG\UserBundle\Entity\User#s:1:"1";' => string
'MG\UserBundle\Entity\User#s:1:"1";' (length=34)

$qb = Undefined

Not sure what's happenning ?

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Yes, a really stupid error :(

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 27 déc. 2012 à 20:06, Azer- a écrit :

Okay that was just fixed :D

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