
Query Builder example documentation

Closed this issue · 5 comments

How can I get the actions where I am the subjet or I am a direct Complement?

Also Spy\TimelineBundle\Driver\ORM\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder::APPLY_FILTER constant does not exists in the documentation

$results = $qb->execute(Spy\TimelineBundle\Driver\ORM\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder::APPLY_FILTER); // apply filters
$results = $qb->execute(Spy\TimelineBundle\Driver\ORM\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder::NOT_APPLY_FILTER); // not apply filters
// return a pager of Actions.



Yes, documentation is outdated. (I'll fix it)

How can I get the actions where I am the subjet or I am a direct Complement?

$qb = $this->get('spy_timeline.query_builder');
$criterias = $qb->logicalOr(
//(actionComponent.type = 'subject' & component.model = 'User' & component.identifer = 'me')  OR  (actionComponent.type = 'directComplement' & component.model = 'User' & component.identifer = 'me')  

// OR
$criterias = $qb->logicalAnd(
//(actionComponent.type = 'subject' OR actionComponent.type = 'directComplement') AND  component.model = 'User' & component.identifer = 'me'

//I guess second solution is the best.


// to execute:

$results = $qb->execute(array(
'filter' => true,
'paginate' => true,

Should be ok. Can you confirm me it's ok ?

One other thing, QueryBuilder is useful to create a "search engine" of actions, but you could use an SqlQuery of Doctrine to fetch actions and filter them easily too.

QueryBuilder could be very very slow, because it does a lot of joins.

I get the following error:

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("[Semantical Error] line 0, col 701 near 'actionComponent1.type': Error: 'actionComponent1' is not defined.") in /var/www/workspace/myproject/vendor/ping86/social-bundle/ant/SocialBundle/Resources/views/Perfil/index.html.twig at line 59. 

The line 59 is the render of this controller:

$u = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
        $qb = $this->get('spy_timeline.query_builder');
        $criterias = $qb->logicalAnd(



        $results = $qb->execute(array(
                'filter' => true,
                'paginate' => true,
        return array('timeline' => $results, 'usuario'=> $u); 


OK, i'll look at this ASAP
Le 8 févr. 2013 08:59, "ping86" a écrit :

I get the following error:

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("[Semantical Error] line 0, col 701 near 'actionComponent1.type': Error: 'actionComponent1' is not defined.") in /var/www/workspace/myproject/vendor/ping86/social-bundle/ant/SocialBundle/Resources/views/Perfil/index.html.twig at line 59.

The line 59 is the render of this controller:

$u = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
$qb = $this->get('spy_timeline.query_builder');
$criterias = $qb->logicalAnd(



    $results = $qb->execute(array(
            'filter' => true,
            'paginate' => true,
    return array('timeline' => $results, 'usuario'=> $u);

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I fixed this here cc26eb6, sorry for this stupid issue ...

If you have any other questions, reopen this issue ;)