iOS Debugging Tool
Shake to hide/show the black bubble. (support both device/simulator)
Long press the black bubble to show UIDebuggingInformationOverlay. (Apple's Private API, support iOS 10/11)
You can copy app logs and network logs as you like. (long press the text, then select all or select copy)
When you are in the
Network Details
page, you can shake device or simulator to share network details via email or copy to clipboard.
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'YourTargetName' do
pod 'CocoaDebug', :configurations => ['Debug']
github "CocoaDebug/CocoaDebug"
WARNING: Don't submit
to AppStore which has been linked with theCocoaDebug.framework
. This Integration Guide outline a way to use build configurations to isolate linking the framework toDebug
builds only.
//Step 1.
import CocoaDebug
//Step 2.
//Step 3.
public func print<T>(file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line, _ message: T, color: UIColor = .white) {
swiftLog(file, function, line, message, color)
//Step 1.
#ifdef DEBUG
@import CocoaDebug;
//Step 2.
#ifdef DEBUG
[CocoaDebug enable];
//Step 3.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NSLog(fmt, ...) [CocoaDebug objcLog:[[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] lastPathComponent] :NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) :__LINE__ :(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) :[UIColor whiteColor]]
#define NSLog(fmt, ...) nil
Please check
for more advanced usage.
NOTE: Be careful with
Other Swift Flags
&Preprocessor Macros
when using Swift & Objective-C in one project. You can refer to here.
When you initialize CocoaDebug, you can customize the following parameter values before CocoaDebug.enable()
- If the crawled URLs contain server URL ,set these URLs bold font to be marked. not mark when this value is nil. default value is nil. -
- Set the URLs which should not crawled, ignoring case, crawl all URLs when the value is nil. default value is nil. -
- Set the URLs which are only crawled, ignoring case, crawl all URLs when the value is nil. default value is nil. -
- Set controllers to be added as child controllers of UITabBarController. default value is nil. -
- Whether to allow the recording of crash logs in app. default value is false. -
- The maximum count of logs which CocoaDebug display. default value is 500. -
- Set the initial recipients to include in the email’s “To” field when share via email. default value is nil. -
- Set the initial recipients to include in the email’s “Cc” field when share via email. default value is nil. -
- Set the main color with hexadecimal format. default value is #42d459.
Special thanks to remirobert.
CocoaDebug is released under the MIT license.