Webb application "TvMaze App" is created using CRA (Create-React-App)

Webb application

Start with "npm install" and then "npm run start".

At Start, user is presented with an input to enter a tv and click "Search" to continue. User is navigated to a SearchPage where a list of TV show based on search input is visible. Clicking a TV Show navigate to DetailPage where more information about the TV Show can be found. With Cast information, and summary.


I used Sketches from Figma as design to create the webb application and its components.

I started off using TailwindCSS and was just about to refactor to normal css "As in Landing Page". But couldn't finish all pages due to time limitation.

If I had more time

With more time left I would've finished the app design fully. Using components folders, and plain CSS overall. I also would've added tests to all pages. using Storybook testing, Playwright/React Testing Library, Cypress. Using integration tests, e2e and unit testing. There's also tests to ensure the design isn't changing per commits with Storybook that is very useful in a larger team.

I would've liked to group the tasks of the assignment into a fork with "pull requests" that is validated and testing by automatic tests and a team leader to verify the quality of the code. before commited into a main branch, or staging branch.

For growing the app.

I also found a nice template how to create apps using "nx" within a page I like to share. Using graph and restricted components libraries to handle design in a more modular structure.

Link: https://dev.to/nx/react-vite-and-typescript-get-started-in-under-2-minutes-56f