
Took a workshop on buildong my first Android Application!!


Took a workshop on building my first Android Application!! I will be re-doing (or atleast trying) to do what we did during the workshop.

So the first step we had to do is setup our computer and install Android Studio. Below are the next steps I took: 2. Installed SDK 3. Created a Virtual Device (Nexus 4) 4. Started the Android Device Simualtor 5. Ru on Device (When you create the app and want to see the changes on your device) 5.1 Set up my Android phone for development

Notes I took during the course:

Mobile App. Dev in iOS uses Objective C and Android uses Java


  • Basis of Android Application. Single activity defines a single viewable screen (action not layout)
  • Can have multiple Activities per application
  • Each activity is a separate entity
  • Structures life cycle independent from one another

Each activity has its own life cycle Android life cycle is completely linear Several other states in an Android Life Cycle are as shown in order below:

*Activity starts onCreate() onStart() onResume() *Activity is running onPause() *Activity is no longer distributed onStop() (Two options from here : * Process is Killed or onRestart() onDestroy() *Activity is shutdown

@+id defining a new identity DO not play with the generated files -> res and source

Code to be added soon :)