This repo simplifies work with Kotlin scripts.
Docker image also have bash, unzip, and jq for scripts.
FROM stepin/kotlin-scripting
COPY json.main.kts ./
# Cache dependencies and compilation result for better start-up speed
RUN /app/json.main.kts && find /app/.m2 -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/json.main.kts"]
# run inline script
docker run --rm -i stepin/kotlin-scripting -e 'println("Hello, world!")'
# run script from file
# NOTE: interactive scripts will not work in this case
docker run --rm -i stepin/kotlin-scripting - < simple.main.kts
# run script from file for interactive case
docker run --rm -it \
-v "$(PWD):/data" \
-w /data \
stepin/kotlin-scripting \
# interactive shell
docker run --rm -i stepin/kotlin-scripting