
Kotlin plugin for pitest

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kotlin Plugin

Improves pitest's support for Kotlin.

When the plugin is enabled pitest will avoid creating junk mutations in code that uses

  • de structuring code
  • null casts
  • safe casts
  • elvis operator

This project is based on github.com/pitest/pitest-kotlin but it's rewritten to be able to maintain it.

There is sample project: http://github.com/stepin/pitest-kotlin-sample

Feel free to post bug reports and PRs.


The plugin requires pitest 1.7.4 and Kotlin 1.7.0. Other versions are not tested.

To activate the plugin it must be placed on the classpath of the pitest tool (not on the classpath of the project being mutated).

e.g for maven



for gradle

buildscript {
   repositories {
   dependencies {
       classpath 'info.solidsoft.gradle.pitest:gradle-pitest-plugin:1.7.4'
       pitest 'name.stepin:pitest-kotlin-plugin:0.3.0'

apply plugin: "info.solidsoft.pitest"

pitest {
    pitestVersion = "1.7.4"
    targetClasses = ['our.base.package.*']  // by default "${project.group}.*"

or for Gradle Kotlin DSL:

plugins {
    id("info.solidsoft.pitest") version "1.7.4"
repositories {
dependencies {

See gradle-pitest-plugin documentation for more configuration options.

Support policy

I'm using this project on daily basis. So, it should work.

If you have any ideas / bugs please submit GitHub Issue. More details -- faster to resolve. It's always a good idea to show use-case in sample project (http://github.com/stepin/pitest-kotlin-sample).


There are plans to release version 1.0.0 somewhere in 07.22 after following tasks:

  • Uncomment detekt
  • Uncomment 2 tests
  • Refactor tests to better show use-cases
  • Prepare sample project
  • Upgrade to pitest version 1.9.0