Get fuel-prices from and save them for price-development analysis
written in Python 3
This Python script uses the website to get the fuel-price of the gas stations in your area of choice. The data is saved into a sqlite-database for later analysis in an application of your liking or the
Check, whether you have all the necessary python-modules installed: BeautifulSoup, datetime, dash, dash_core_components, dash_html_components, dash_renderer, Plotly, Pandas, Time, NumPy, Requests or install them with
pip3 install bs4 plotly requests datetime time pandas numpy dash dash_core_components dash_html_components dash_renderer
Run the grabber on your server with nohup python3 <Postleitzahl> <Town> >grabber.log &
It will wait for the full hour and then start collecting all fuel-prices for all fuel-types in an area of 50km around the place you specified when you started the script.
Then run the dashboard using nohup python3 >dashboard.log &
. It offers a web-frontend where you can watch the development of prices.
Per default the dashboard can be reached under http://<YOUR_SERVER_IP/URL>:8050
- limiting the size of the database by dropping old data.